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Samsung's Galaxy S4 Looks Exactly Like Its Old Phone, The Galaxy Note

Mar 14, 2013, 19:34 IST

Samsung might be on the cusp of replicating Apple in a way it might not like.


When Apple was preparing the iPhone 5, photos leaked of phone early. And the early reaction to those photos was not positive.

Essentially, the phone's physical design looked exactly the same. The screen was a little taller, but that was about it.

When the phone was finally out and people played with it, the reaction was much more positive.

But still, the overall takeaway is that Apple has figured out a basic design and now it's just tweaking it. There's nothing wrong with this. There's only so many things you can do with a slim rectangle. Making it bigger would be nice, so hopefully Apple does that soon.


Anyway, Samsung is announcing its Galaxy S IV today, the most buzzed about phone that's not an iPhone.

And after seeing the early photos, we hate to say it, but it looks boring. It looks exactly like Samsung's Galaxy Note II, which is months old.

Here's a leaked photo of the Galaxy S IV:

And here's the Galaxy Note II:


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