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Samsung Is Launching A Google Glass Clone Later This Year

Jan 27, 2014, 19:57 IST

Kyle Russell/Business Insider


We can expect lots of face-mounted computers to arrive this year, writes The Korea Times.

Google Glass is - at least so far - the big man on campus, but the beloved headset will soon have competition from others, including from Samsung.

A Samsung official told The Korea Times that "the reason is simple. The market potential for smart glass is huge. It will be used in trucks, cars and has a greater impact on related industries such as glass- and coatings-makers."

Samsung's Glass-like device is currently called "Galaxy Glass," and the company has already registered for a Korean patent. Just like Google Glass, it will pair with your smartphone and be worn on eyeglass frames so that you're never more than a glance away from checking your email.


The Samsung rep added that "smart glasses will widely be used in cars and trucks. Self-tinting glass, self-cleaning glass, self-healing glass and automotive display glass are the things. Latest trends in automotive infotainment systems are urging Samsung, Google and Sony to put more resources into smart glasses."

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