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Salary or job satisfaction. What is your pick?

Salary or job satisfaction. What is your pick?
Some job seekers get attracted by lucrative salary packages than work, while for some it is all about quality of work.

But for many job seekers, it is about career growth in a company. A survey by TimesJobs revealed that career growth scored over salary while picking employer.

In an online poll conducted by TimesJobs, job seekers were asked-What is the biggest reason you will work for a particular company?
Around 35% of the respondents said career growth was the major reason.

The poll also showed that job seekers were not as bothered about job security as parameters such as salary and work culture.

TimesJobs stated that 24% respondents said salary was the biggest reason on which they will decide to work for a particular company, while 21% of the respondents rated work culture as their biggest reason for picking an employer.

Also, 20% polled in favour of job security as the top reason for working in a company - showing a diminishing interest in public sector or government jobs.

This is in contrast to the results of a poll from mid-2012. That time, 30% of the job seekers cited job security as the prime reason for going job hunting.

Meanwhile, a recent survey by Universum, a Swedish employer branding company, revealed that for majority of the Indian university students, the ideal employers were Google, Apple and Microsoft and the Reserve Bank of India.

When the survey asked about employer attractiveness, business students listed 'high future earnings', 'a creative and dynamic work environment' and 'leadership opportunities'.

However, engineering students said they felt attracted to 'a creative and dynamic work environment', 'innovation' and 'a friendly working environment'.

(Image: Indiatimes)


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