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Sad Photos Of Abandoned Venues From The 1984 Winter Olympics

Feb 14, 2014, 00:30 IST

REUTERS/Dado Ruvic

For the first time since 1984, the Winter Olympics have returned to Eastern Europe.


Those 1984 games were held in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia - a decade before the the city was put under siege in the Bosnian War.

While the city continues to recover, many of the venues from the 1984 Olympics have been abandoned.

The bobsled venue - which served as an artillery stronghold during the war, according to Reuters - is overrun with weeds and graffiti. The ski-jumping venue on the outskirts of the city is similarly decaying.

What will happen to many of the Sochi venues after the Olympics is an open question. These photos from Sarajevo are a dark reminder of just how temporary an Olympic games can be.


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