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Russia's Olympic fiasco continues as the nation's entire weightlifting team is barred from the games

Jul 30, 2016, 00:46 IST

Grigory Dukor/Reuters


The Russian Olympic doping scandal keeps growing, as now the entire weightlifting team from the nation is now barred from competing at the Olympics, the International Weightlifting Federation announced on Friday.

Weightlifting is arguably one of the most iconic Olympic sports in which Russians regularly succeed, so to see an Olympics without Russian weightlifters will be odd, to say the least. According to NBC Sports, Russia is one of the top four nations in weightlifting.

NBC Sports reported that Russia's eight weightlifting spots will offered to other countries. The IWF, which handed down the decision to ban Russia from weightlifting at the Olympics, called the doping results produced by Russian weightlifters "extremely shocking and disappointing."

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