The new face of Generation Z is an 18-year-old model who is famous on Instagram
She had to start out somewhere — here's a #TBT she posted.

Woods has a huge following — she has over 775,000 followers on Instagram.
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Woods is famously a part of Kylie Jenner's "squad." The two hang out all the time; they're best friends.
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In fact, they're so close that Kylie gifted her with a $70,000 Mercedes Benz for her birthday this past fall. She shared the photo on Instagram. (#Goals.)
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"There's no words to describe how I feel.. I just don't know what I did to deserve this. I can never thank @kyliejenner [enough] for motivating me to always do my best and always opening up new opportunities. Do good and good things will happen. Blessed and grateful always. Love you and thank you again to everyone who made me feel special on this 18th year. Finally," she wrote in the post.
Source: Instagram; The Daily Mail
And she was a guest host on Kylie Radio on Kylie's app.
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Source: Instagram
And she was at Fashion Week this year.
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She recently got her big break modeling — when Wilhelmina Curve signed her. "I just turned 18, I might as well go and experience something new," she said to Teen Vogue.
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Source: Teen Vogue
It's notable because she's curvy; it thereby sends a positive message to teens.
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Or perhaps even more interestingly, the way that teens have responded to Woods reveal that Generation Z is more accepting of all shapes and sizes than their predecessors ever were.
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Woods is thrilled to be a part of the movement of embracing curvier women.
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"For me, it’s awesome because I’m just naturally a super curvy girl and I feel like my body will never be size 0. There’s so many people out there just like me, and right now the curve industry is just blowing up because people are realizing curve models are cool, and most people are not that skinny," she said to Teen Vogue.
Source: Teen Vogue
"I just want to make a change in the curve industry because I want other curve girls to realize that you don’t have to dress a certain way because you are curvy," she said to Teen Vogue.
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Source: Teen Vogue
She admitted that there are some issues she struggles with as a curvier woman — but she aims to solve one major problem. "There’s not a lot of clothes out there for girls that are bigger, there’s not a lot of trendy things out there, and I want to change the way people look at the plus size industry," she said to Teen Vogue, noting that she does shop at Topshop.
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"I think it’s awesome that it’s finally taking off, and I hope to be a huge part of the reason why everyone feels unity and feels oneness," she said.
Source: Teen Vogue
She said to Teen Vogue that she never really had models to look up to until recently. "I never really looked at curve models — I’ve always seen runway models, high fashion models, Victoria’s Secret models — and never really got the chance to pay attention to the curve models and how awesome they actually are and how they’re just super confident."
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"They’re more confident than anyone really. They’re just different — they’re more normal, too, and more people can relate to that because the majority of people aren’t size 2. It’s pretty awesome," she said in the interivew.
Source: Teen Vogue
She has big dreams and ambitions. "I don’t really want to limit myself to one job or one category, because I feel like you can do as many things as you want to," she said to Teen Vogue.
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"But my dream goal is to help everyone around me and more and stay positive, stay happy, and uplift people. I also want to eventually create a clothing line for everyone; I’m really big on skincare, so I want to do something with skincare, but I kind of just want to do everything. I want to have a little empire and feel like I’ve done as much as I can with the time that I’ve been given," she said to the website.
Source: Teen Vogue
It's clear she's going places.
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