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What it was like to grow up in Action Park, which was called 'America's Most Dangerous Amusement Park'

What it was like to grow up in Action Park, which was called 'America's Most Dangerous Amusement Park'
Action Park, which closed in 1966, was regarded by locals with a mix of awe and terror.Courtesy of Andy Mulvihill
  • New Jersey's Action Park was famous for its wild rides that pushing the limits of regulation, resulting in six deaths, countless injuries, and a heap of lawsuits.
  • But Andy Mulvihill, whose father founded the park, remembers it differently. Mulvihill just released a book chronicling his experiences growing up in the park.
  • Business Insider interviewed Mulvihill about his most memorable stories from growing up and working in Action Park, as well as some popular misconceptions about it.

Action Park is known by some as "America's Most Dangerous Amusement Park," a lawless place where six people died and countless others were severely injured on its rides.

Known for pushing the limits of imagination and regulation, Action Park, which closed in 1996, was a rite of passage for many a kid who grew up in the Tri-State area. It was regarded with awe and with terror.

But Andy Mulvihill, whose father Gene Mulvihill founded the park, remembers the park differently. Mulvihill, who Business Insider interviewed over the phone, just released a new book chronicling his experiences growing up in, and with, Action Park.

Mulvihill remembers Action Park as a fun place filled with young people that bonded over the crazy antics of thrill-seeking parkgoers. He shared some of his most memorable stories of working at the park as a teen with Business Insider and addressed some of what he calls the popular misconceptions about his father and the park.

The Wave Pool

The Wave Pool
Courtesy of Andy Mulvihill

One summer, Mulvihill recalled a lifeguard with the nickname "Smoke" sitting in the "death chair" on a slow, drizzly day. The lifeguards called the lifeguard stand at the wave pool the "death chair" because it "saw the most action," Mulvihill said.

Mulvihill came up to Smoke and started chatting up his buddy when the two noticed three larger women entering the pool carrying rafts. It quickly became clear that none of them were swimmers, and as they approached the deep end of the pool, Smokovich went to blow his whistle at them — but Mulvihill stopped him.

"I grabbed him by the arm and said, 'Hey, come on, let them have fun,' Mulvihill said.

Shortly later, all three women entered the deep end and started to drown.

The other two lifeguards jumped into the pool and immediately saved two of the women. Smoke threw in his life ring. When the last woman didn't grab it, he jumped in to save her, and she dragged him underwater in a bear hug. When he finally got the woman in a cross breast carry, her swimsuit top came off.

"So he's coughing up water, holding onto her, getting pulled down, holding the ring with one arm," Mulvihill said. "And he can't really adjust anything 'cause he's got to hold onto where he's got her by the bare breasts. And then just as he gets to the side of the pool, she throws up all over his arm."

Mulvihill admitted that he'd used poor judgment that day.

The ill-timed brawl

The ill-timed brawl
Courtesy of Andy Mulvihill

Mulvihill said that Action Park drew all sorts of visitors from nearby New York City, some of whom clashed with each other.

One day, Mulvihill's brother Christopher received notice from a young female employee he had a crush on. She said that it was her last day at the park because her mother didn't think that Action Park was any place for a young lady to work. Christopher offered to talk to her mother and convince her to let the employee continue working at the park.

Elsewhere in the park, one visitor from New York had saved space in line for his friends. "There were some kids waiting in line behind him that didn't appreciate it and a fight broke out," Mulvihill said. Park security was called and escorted the brawlers to the parking lot — just as Christopher had gone to the parking lot to convince the employee's mother to let her daughter stay.

"It ends up that there's one kid that's being chased by the other kids and scared for his life," Mulvihill said. "And he proceeds to jump into the car of the mother picking up the girl and the kid yells drive and the other kids come and start smashing their arms on the window. The woman has to drive off quickly to save her car and her daughter and this kid."

The daughter did not come back to work again.

"Participation Park"

"Participation Park"
Fun!      Courtesy of Andy Mulvihill

Mulvihill said that people often mischaracterized his father as reckless. The elder Mulvihill wasn't reckless, he said, he simply believed in allowing people to take risks to have fun.

"He took the idea of skiing and applied it to an amusement park," Mulvihill said. (His father had previously opened a ski resort.) "If you want to go really slow on the bunny slope and it's really safe, you can, but if you want to go up to the steep and the deep and the moguls and ski between the trees, you can do it. It's thrilling, but it's a risk and you can get hurt."

He said he has no idea what his father would do if faced with a pandemic like the current one.

"My father wanted people to have fun. He didn't want to hurt people, but he wanted to let people be in charge of themselves. The thing that's unique about the pandemic is your behavior affects the people around you. So it makes things a lot trickier."

The Surf Hill

The Surf Hill
The Surf Hill ride at Action Park.      Courtesy of Andy Mulvihill

Mulvihill said that people also misunderstand the park as being dangerous or visitors as going for the danger. That's not why they went, he said. It was for the thrill of the ride.

"It's like the Surf Hill ride, where there was a jump," Mulvihill said. "If you'd gone down that thing and you hit that jump just right, you could soar through the air, go really high and far and land on something that was pretty soft. It wasn't rough on your body at all. That was really thrilling, I mean, it was really a lot of fun. Some kids used to spend the day just on that ride."

Some other fun rides, according to Mulvihill:

The Bungee Jump

The Bungee Jump
Fun!      Courtesy of Andy Mulvihill

"Having the guts to jump off a tower, that's really fun," Mulvihill said.

The Aerodium

The Aerodium
Fun!      Courtesy of Andy Mulvihill

"You would put on a baggy suit and step into an airstream and actually fly," Mulvihill said. "That was really, really cool to be able to literally fly."

The Race Cars

The Race Cars
Fun!      Courtesy of Andy Mulvihill

"Driving a race car and beating your buddy and going faster than him," Mulvihill said. "That was fun."

The Cannonball Loop

The Cannonball Loop
Not fun.      Courtesy of Andy Mulvihill

There was one ride, however, that Mulvihill said was not fun: the Cannonball Loop.

A steep tube of a water slide, the Cannonball Loop took a page out of the rollercoaster's book and ended with a full 360 loop before ejecting riders into the water. However, riders sometimes never made it over the top of the loop. After testing, a hatch was built to extract stuck riders. But even after that adjustment, Mulvihill said it was an unpleasant ride.

"The Cannonball Loop was not fun," Mulvihill said. "It was more like ride to survive than have fun."

The Bailey Ball

The Bailey Ball
Very not fun.      Courtesy of Andy Mulvihill

Mulvihill recalls one particular ride that his father was excited about. The Bailey Ball was a giant metal ball inside an even bigger metal ball. Riders stepped inside and were sent hurtling down the side of a mountain on a pipe track, remaining mostly upright for the duration of the ride.

At least, that's what was supposed to happen.

It was a hot day, and the inspector was late. The track was made out of PVC pipe, and no one had realized that the pipes had expanded due to the heat.

"When the ball was released to go down the mountain with somebody in it, the track fell apart," Mulvihill said. "The ball, rather than going back and forth down the mountain went straight down the mountain, almost hit the inspector, went through the parking lot, unbelievably didn't hit any cars across the state highway and went into a swamp."

The guy inside was mostly uninjured. The inspector left, and the Bailey Ball was quietly disposed of.

"I often say my father built his whole career around me"

"I often say my father built his whole career around me"
Courtesy of Andy Mulvihill

Gene Mulvihill had six children, but Andy Mulvihill said that his father's business ventures seemed to cater to Andy's life in particular.

"When I'm a young guy, he gets into the ski business and I can go up skiing," Mulvihill said. "And then he gets into the Action Park business as I'm getting old enough to go on rides and work the thing. Then he puts in a water park where I get to go and run around with a lot of pretty girls in bathing suits and guys that are a lot of fun. And then he builds a brewery when I'm 18, so I never run out of beer."

"Class Action Park"

"Class Action Park"
Fun!      Courtesy of Andy Mulvihill

Mulvihill said that Action Park could never exist today.

"Number one, the regulators would not allow it," Mulvihill said. "And number two, my father was an extraordinary man. He was willing to take risks that no one else would take."

As the park grew bigger and visitors multiplied, so did lawsuits. Action Park would gain the popular nickname "Class Action Park," for the number of injuries and lawsuits that came out of it. A documentary with that name was picked up by HBO Max in early July.

"My dad was the guy that didn't love regulation and he was very aggressive about pushing things along. So he often had the regulators after him and ultimately he almost went to jail for building some dams he didn't get permitted right," Mulvihill said.

Now, the younger Mulvihill is a real estate developer. The project he says most encapsulates his father's ethos is the Grand Cascades Lodge, a resort in New Jersey that has a golf course and a massive indoor pool complex with a retractable glass roof. There are even several waterslides — with no upside-down loop, of course.

The Cliff Jump

The Cliff Jump
Courtesy of Andy Mulvihill

Roaring Springs, the giant pool connected to many of the park's main water rides, was built like a giant amphitheater. Crowds of people would be waiting to ride the air slide, to fetch their inner tubes for the river ride, or just hanging out in the pool. But what Mulvihill remembers is the cliff jump.

"You have all these people watching," Mulvihill said. "When you get up on that cliff and you go to jump, you get guys that go up and jump without hesitation, and guys that would run up and do backflip and everybody would cheer."

"But God forbid you go up to the edge and lose your courage. People would start jeering and making noise and taunting you and harassing you. They'd all start chanting, 'Jump, jump, jump!'"


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