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Gen Zers are the worst tippers

Gloria Dawson   

Gen Zers are the worst tippers
  • Tipping has become a hot-button issue for Americans of all ages.
  • In a recent survey from Bankrate, Gen Z respondents were identified as the worst tippers.

Tipping has become a hot-button issue and a source of frustration for many Americans. But like so many issues of the moment, Gen Z has a slightly different take and response to the situation.

A recent survey from Bankrate found Gen Zers, or people 18-26 years old, are the generation least likely to tip. When Gen Z dines out, they are less likely to tip the generally accepted 20% of a bill, the survey found. More than half of Baby Boomers surveyed tip at least 20%, but only a quarter of Gen Zers do.

"I suspect a lot of this has to do with Gen Zers being new to adulthood and tipping culture and not having as many memories of the way it used to be," Bankrate senior industry analyst Ted Rossman told Insider.

The tendency to tip increases with age, the survey of 2,437 US adults found. Survey respondents who are Baby Boomers (ages 59-77), millennials (ages 27-42), and Gen Xers (ages 43-58) all said they tipped more than Gen Z in various scenarios like dining out, ordering food delivery, or receiving hairdressing services. But across all generations, Americans are tipping less than they did a few years ago.

The frustrations around tipping culture are less bothersome to this younger generation, particularly when presented with a pre-entered tip screen, as a customer might see at a coffee shop.

"I think the 'tipping is out of control' feeling is more common among older adults who were more accustomed to buying a coffee or picking up a sandwich without a cashier flipping a payment terminal around and asking them to tip. Gen Zers have grown up with that," Rossman said.

In the survey, 33% of Gen X and Baby Boomers felt tipping culture has gotten out of control. But just 22% of Gen Zers felt that way.

Rossman highlighted a few potential reasons for Gen Z being less inclined to tip, such as lower incomes and overall lack of familiarity with tipping.

"Young adults may not be as familiar with tipping expectations and etiquette as older folks," Rossman said.

"For the most part, I think Gen Zers are less likely to tip because they have lower incomes, but many young adults also seem to have a social justice take on tipping. As in, it's not fair, and we shouldn't be doing it. However, I'd note that tipping is the lay of the land, so if you're not tipping somewhere it's expected (such as a sit-down restaurant), you're hurting the individual worker, not the business."

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