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I tried working out at the swankiest gym chain to see if it's worth the money

Equinox is a nationwide luxury gym.

I tried working out at the swankiest gym chain to see if it's worth the money

Signing up for classes isn't as competitive as I expected it to be.

Signing up for classes isn

I always feel like there's a rush to sign up for a fitness class before spots run out, but that wasn't the case at Equinox. Members use an app to check-in, book a class, schedule training, and search for clubs.

Some gyms allow you to sign up 26 hours in advance online, while others offer walk-in only classes. When I signed in for my class at the gym, I was given a number so that employees can keep tabs on who's in the class. No sneaking in here!

The gym itself offers elite equipment for cardio, strength training, and stretching.

The gym itself offers elite equipment for cardio, strength training, and stretching.

The screens of the cardio equipment offer every aspect of distraction that you might need while running. I had never seen or used anythinglike it.

I could go on Facebook, read the news, watch TV, or listen to podcasts all while attempting to run at 6.5 mph. It made my half-hour cardio session fly by.

The atmosphere was a little pretentious.

The atmosphere was a little pretentious.

I felt a little bit out of place, but at least I had my Lululemon crops to help me fit in.

There were a lot of single men in their 30s, while the women were mostly either in their 20s or upper 50s. I wondered where the trendy moms were, but they must all be at Soul Cycle. And yes, everyone is beautiful.

The instructors were enthusiastic and motivating.

The instructors were enthusiastic and motivating.

They gave off a positive energy that encouraged me to take advantage of the time I had at the gym. My kickboxing instructor even brought his mom to the class, apparently she's a regular! It made the class experience more personal and engaging.

In one week, I took: two yoga classes, a Pilates class, a kickboxing class, a precision running class, a spinning class, and a barre class — and every single one of them made me feel like I was getting the most out of my workout. My favorite class was Pilates, I was sore for a few days after.

The spa will cost you more money.

The spa will cost you more money.

When I first realized Equinox had a spa, I was so excited to sign up for a massage. I thought it came with the membership! But unfortunately, I was wrong. Members pay extra for spa benefits, which non-members can access as well.

Some of the packages include facials, manicures, massages, waxings, teeth whitening, eyelash extensions, and micro-dermabrasions.. Conveniently, on my last day of my membership trial, I was offered a free facial! That'll make me want to join.

It also offers a snack bar.

It also offers a snack bar.

They have organic selections such as smoothies, salads, granola bars, and hot meals. You'll have to pay for these items too, and it's not cheap — you'll pay $3 for a granola bar, while a salad runs about $8.

The eucalyptus towels were one of my favorite amenities.

The eucalyptus towels were one of my favorite amenities.

Ice-cold, eucalyptus infused face towels are stacked in mini-fridges scattered throughout the gym. It felt so good to wipe off the sweat and calm the body down after a workout with these clean, refreshing towels. As my friend put it:

After my week-long trial, Equinox didn't pester me with emails about becoming a member.

After my week-long trial, Equinox didn

I was shocked! I was preparing myself all week to repeatedly hit "unsubscribe" from emails about joining the gym. But nothing! In a strange way, it almost made me want to get emails from them because then I would feel wanted by this elite gym. How's that for reverse psychology?

So is a $250 monthly membership at Equinox worth it?

So is a $250 monthly membership at Equinox worth it?

If money weren't an issue, then yes. If I had the money to spend on this gym, I would do it in a heartbeat.

It's luxurious. It's motivating. It's elite. It's something I can only hope to be able to comfortably afford some day.

But for now, I will enjoy my measly $15/month membership at a lesser gym and dream about my week at Equinox.

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