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Here's how a Chick-fil-A classic stacks up against NYC's trendiest chicken sandwich

Fuku delivers via the delivery app Caviar, but only for a limited window of time during the day, so I made sure to get it fast. The sandwich is so popular, lines at the store itself often wind their way onto the sidewalk.

Here's how a Chick-fil-A classic stacks up against NYC's trendiest chicken sandwich

Fuku's sandwich, on the left, comes in a shiny foil pocket, while Chick-fil-A's, right, is nestled within a branded one.


So, how do they compare?

So, how do they compare?

In terms of size, looks can be deceiving.

In terms of size, looks can be deceiving.

Fuku's chicken looks humongous, but it's much thinner than Chick-fil-A's. The breading on Chick-fil-A's is more colorful, sporting a fiery orange glow.


Let's take a closer look at the sandwiches: the spicy version of Chick-fil-A's classic chicken sandwich comes out of its pocket practically pristine.


Inside, usually two or three pickle slices compliment the thick chicken breast. Chick-fil-A's chicken has an even breading that's somehow between crispy and soft, with a buttery rich flavor.

Inside, usually two or three pickle slices compliment the thick chicken breast. Chick-fil-A

And the chicken itself is juicy and dense — the meat is very thick and compact, with little to no fat or gristle. The pickles are decidedly sour, but lightly so. But where's the spice? I find almost no hint of heat, apart from some black pepper in the breading; the ingredients online list paprika as the main spice — no peppers to be found— as well as the coloring for the breading.

And the chicken itself is juicy and dense — the meat is very thick and compact, with little to no fat or gristle. The pickles are decidedly sour, but lightly so. But where

So while the chicken itself is as satisfying as ever, the Chick-fil-A sandwich disappoints in one area: heat. With paprika adding the only spice, it's big on flavor but lacking in any amount of adequate spice. But at $4.49, it's delightfully cheap.

So while the chicken itself is as satisfying as ever, the Chick-fil-A sandwich disappoints in one area: heat. With paprika adding the only spice, it

Fuku's arrived super hot and fresh, but the bun is completely smushed. Yikes. But that huge expanse of chicken is enough to forgive a crushed bun.


Open it up, and I find four thin pickles on a light slathering of "Fuku butter", the recipe for which is closely guarded. The chicken's breading looks sturdy and super crispy.

Open it up, and I find four thin pickles on a light slathering of "Fuku butter", the recipe for which is closely guarded. The chicken

First bite: the chicken is fibrous but not dry. There's a definite heat to it — much stronger than Chick-fil-A's. Fuku uses habanero to add a kick, so it's stronger than your typical spicy chicken. The heat isn't unbearable, but it makes its presence known.

First bite: the chicken is fibrous but not dry. There

It's a delicious sandwich, for sure. But the chicken is oddly fatty and tough at times, and rather thin like schnitzel. The bun is so easily flattened — and for $8 plus delivery fees, it's a pretty pricey sandwich. Much spicier than Chick-fil-A's, though.


So, which spicy chicken sandwich comes out on top?

So, which spicy chicken sandwich comes out on top?

It's a tough call: Chick-fil-A's amazingly has the better chicken, but without the heat. Fuku's sandwich is big, hot, and crispy, but the chicken is somewhat fatty and tough. But considering the large price difference — Chick-fil-A is more than $3 cheaper — I have to say Chick-fil-A's sandwich is ultimately more satisfying. What it lacks in spice, it makes up for in tender, thick chicken.


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