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Black Friday workers share 14 of the most outrageous things they've seen on the job

'I once had a lady try to snatch something out of another customer's hand, but before I could do anything about it, a couple of ladies in line who had been talking to the assaulted customer grabbed it back and chastised her to the point that she ran out of the store cussing about telling management.'

Black Friday workers share 14 of the most outrageous things they've seen on the job
Retail1 min read

'There was a man looking at jewelry armoires and two older ladies next to him looking at them, too. They had zeroed in on a certain style and he realized, apparently, that he liked that one the best, too. There was only one left, but the ladies couldn't lift the box and decided to go find an associate to load it in their cart. As soon as they were gone, he grabbed it and ran to the checkout.'

'One of the craziest things you see is people driving a two-seat sports car and wanting you to help them load an eight-foot Christmas tree in there.'

'I had a woman get angry with me for not having a doorbuster in stock almost 10 hours after the doors opened.'

'Some people have untied and unwrapped pajama sets to check them out, and then they want you to go get them one in the same size and pattern from the stockroom that has not been opened.'

'One of the most cringe-worthy things I saw was when a shopper lifted up their toddler's garments and changed the crappy diaper on top of the merchandise in the department, leaving the used diaper in the parking lot.'

'An employee once pre-shopped and hid stuff under a counter. I put them back out for sale.'

"I had someone follow me into the stock room to see if I was lying about being out of something."

"I had someone follow me into the stock room to see if I was lying about being out of something."

'I've seen shoppers take merchandise from other customer's shopping carts.'

'People sometimes fight over items that aren't even that discounted. Is $5 off really worth a black eye?'

'I've had a woman pour her coffee on the ground because we wouldn't give her an extra discount. She maintained eye contact while pouring the coffee.'

'One year I got trapped behind the door when we opened, and I had to wait until the mad rush slowed down so I could climb under the cart rail and escape.'

'One year when I had just begun my shift a customer with a broken leg tried to hit me with one of his crutches because I didn't know where we were keeping a particular item.'

'I once saw a fight between strangers because someone changed lines. They did not cut in line, they just got behind the other line. And someone in front of that person — so no way they were being affected — decided to verbally attack this person. The person fought back. Nasty things were said, and both these individuals had kids with them to witness this.'

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