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Republicans are using computer hardware to troll Hillary Clinton

Colin Campbell   

Republicans are using computer hardware to troll Hillary Clinton


"Hillary's Hard Drive."

Just before former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced her presidential campaign on Sunday, Republicans found several ways to make fun of the front-running Democrat's email controversy.

The national Republican Party gleefully sent reporters "Clinton Email Files" flash drives. And in a memo fired off to the press on Monday, the party bragged about how much coverage it had received.

"$581k in earned media off budget of $2,900," the memo said of the flash drive campaign, adding that GOP staffers traveled to Clinton's Brooklyn campaign headquarters to distribute them to the media standing outside. "All reporters showed the drives in their coverage."

Time magazine reporter Zeke Miller tweeted a photo of the drive he received:

"A little reminder from the RNC that Hillary Clinton still hasn't answered legitimate questions or handed over her secret server to an independent party," the drive's note reads. "Here's a courtesy thumb drive - make sure to save any emails from the Clinton campaign before she wipes another server clean."

The attack is a reference to last month's revelation that Clinton exclusively used her personal email server for official business as secretary of state. This practice allegedly violated federal guidelines and critics accused Clinton of trying to avoid disclosure laws.

Clinton initially struggled to respond to the controversy but, facing a barrage of negative headlines, eventually held a chaotic press conference to address it. At the event, she announced she had turned over about half of her 60,000 emails to the State Department, but she also raised eyebrows by revealing she deleted the other half.

Other Republicans also found creative ways to criticize Clinton over the email deletion. Presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) unveiled a new, "100% genuine" item in his quirky campaign store:

"You've read about it on the news, now you can get one for yourself," the item's description says. "Hillary's Hard Drive. 100% genuine erased clean email server. Buyer beware, this product has had heavy use and it currently is no longer working, but that doesn't mean it's not valuable to someone. Anyone? Limited edition. We have 80 of these and when they're gone, they're gone forever."

It costs $99.95.

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