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Republican rival goes nuclear: 'Trump's a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot'

Dec 8, 2015, 21:18 IST

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) on CNN.CNN/screenshot

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) absolutely unloaded on real-estate mogul Donald Trump during a Tuesday-morning CNN interview.

Graham, a lower-tier presidential candidate, called Trump, the Republican front-runner, a "bigot" - and much more.

The senator started by saying he was "disgusted" by Trump's provocative new proposal to ban all Muslim immigration and tourist travel into the US until Islam's terrorism "problem" is sorted out.

"I want to talk to the Trump supporters for a minute," Graham began. "I don't know who you are, and I don't know why you like this guy. I think what you like about him: He appears to be strong, and the rest of us are weak. He's a very successful businessman and he's going to make everything great. He's going to take all of the problems of the world and put them in a box and make your life better. That's what he's selling."

He continued: "Here's what you're buying. He's a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot. He doesn't represent my party. He doesn't represent the values that the men and women who wear the uniform are fighting for."


Graham also repeatedly argued that Trump's comments would benefit the Islamic State group, also known as ISIS or ISIL, in its recruitment efforts.

"He's the ISIL man of the year, by the way," Graham said. "He's putting our soldiers and diplomats at risk. He's empowering the enemy."

Watch the interview below:

NOW WATCH: Everyone is slamming Donald Trump's plan to stop Muslims from entering the US

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