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REPORT: Gunman Has Taken At Least 5 Hostages In A Kosher Supermarket In Paris

Jan 9, 2015, 18:05 IST

There has reportedly been a shootout at a kosher supermarket in southern Paris, where an armed man is believed to have taken at least five hostages, the AFP reports.


There are also reports that one person has been wounded. 

Below is a clip from a French news outlet of the situation outside the Kosher grocery store, posted on Instagram. 


No link has been established yet between this incident and the terrorist attack at the office of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday, which left 12 dead. 


There are several reports that this event is related to a separate shooting in the same area of Paris on Thursday in which a policewoman died. 

Police are currently surrounding a small printing shop in a small northern town of Dammartin-en-Goele, where the they believe the two brothers suspected of carrying out the Paris attack are. 

This is a developing story.

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