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REPORT: Former Goldman Trader Matthew Marshall Taylor Will Turn Himself In To The FBI Today

Apr 3, 2013, 18:23 IST

Reuters reports that former Goldman trader Matthew Marshall Taylor will voluntarily turn himself in to the FBI today, according to unnamed sources.


The Commodity Futures Trading Commission filed an action claiming Taylor intentionally hid an $8.3 billion trading position from Goldman back in 2007 causing his employer to lose more than $100 million unwinding the position.

Goldman was slapped with a $1.5 million civil penalty by the CFTC late last year for failing to diligently supervise Taylor.

FINRA records show Taylor worked at Morgan Stanley from 2001 to 2005 before joining Goldman. After he left Goldman in 2008 he returned to Morgan Stanley where he worked until August 2012, the records show.

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