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Red Sox Players Are Auctioning Off Their Beards For Charity

Nov 22, 2013, 05:08 IST

Jared Wickerham/GettyImages

Baseball fans in search of that special memento of the Boston Red Sox's 2013 World Series triumph can bid on David Ortiz and Shane Victorino's "Beard Balls" in an eBay auction for charity.


Men's grooming company Gillette announced the auction Thursday. Earlier this month Ortiz and Victorino had their beards shaved off at the firm's World Shave Headquarters in Boston.

Red Sox beards came in all shapes and sizes last season as Boston's players bonded over bristly facial hair.

The team that finished last in their division in 2012 roared to a World Series title that energized a city traumatized by the Boston Marathon bombings in April.

Now fans can own the strands that once graced champion chins.


They have been collected and come complete with the razor that shaved them -- labeled in a clear case suitable for display. Proceeds will go to men's health charity Movember.

"We've never done anything like this," said Hooman Shahidi, senior brand manager for Gillette.

"But their facial hair has been the symbol of the team since spring training and became part of baseball lore. We hope the shavings help raise awareness for important men's health issues and find good homes with passionate fans."

As of Thursday evening, with nine days left until the November 30 end of the auction, the "Authentic 2013 Championship Beard Ball" of Ortiz -- the Most Valuable Player in the World Series -- was going for $1,156.

Copyright (2013) AFP. All rights reserved.

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