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Ray Dalio sees 'serious problems' stemming from the next recession. Here's why he warns even the Fed might be powerless to save the economy.

Christopher Competiello   

Ray Dalio sees 'serious problems' stemming from the next recession. Here's why he warns even the Fed might be powerless to save the economy.

Getty Images/ Roy Rochlin

Getty Images/ Roy Rochlin

  • Ray Dalio, the founder and cochief investment officer of Bridgewater Associates, the world's largest hedge fund, says central banks' ability to reverse an economic debacle is "coming to an end."
  • He outlines the possible routes the Federal Reserve could take to combat a recession, and then explains how these options will most likely be ineffective.
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Few things can conjure up a panic among investors quite like a recession.

Stocks plummet, jobs disappear, spending dries up, and the subsequent anxiety that permeates through markets is powerful enough to cripple even the most optimistic of forecasts.

When the unwinding takes place, investors look towards the Federal Reserve - their knight in shining armor - in order to stop the panic. After all, in the past, central banks have been able to quell the markets' nerves through conventional means.

But Ray Dalio, the founder and cochief investment officer of Bridgewater Associates, the world's largest hedge fund, thinks that central banks' ability to reverse an economic downturn "is coming to an end."

Dalio details how the effectiveness of monetary policy in today's economic environment will likely be null in a new LinkedIn post.

He labels the different approaches Monetary Policy 1-3. Here are his words:

  • "Monetary Policy 1 (i.e., the ability to lower interest rates) doesn't work effectively because interest rates get so low that lowering them enough to stimulate growth doesn't work well,
  • Monetary Policy 2 (i.e., printing money and buying financial assets) doesn't work well because that doesn't produce adequate credit in the real economy (as distinct from credit growth to leverage up investment assets), so there is "pushing on a string." That creates the need for…
  • Monetary Policy 3 (large budget deficits and monetizing of them) which is problematic especially in this highly politicized and undisciplined environment."

Put briefly, an already low interest rate environment, coupled with lackluster real credit growth and a gridlocked political environment, essentially ties the Fed's hands - an important lifeline in a time of crisis.

We're seeing a similar scenario play out in real time over in Europe. The European Central Bank has continuously slashed rates and provided stimulus, but to no avail - and its effectiveness is lessened by the day. GDP growth in the Eurozone has been paltry at best, and some countries are even experiencing contractions.

In addition to non-effective monetary policy, Dalio thinks the implementation of fiscal policy will most likely fall prey to political intervention.

"Fiscal policy, which changes taxes and spending in politically motivated ways, can also be changed to be more stimulative or less stimulative in response to what is needed but that happens in lagging and highly inefficient ways," he added.

With an ever-burgeoning budget deficit, it seems increasingly unlikely that the US government will continue to approve increased spending. And even if they do, it's unlikely that it will be executed in a timely, effective manner.

Against that backdrop, Dalio fears that the US' current situation starkly resembles one of the past: a 10-year period which saw an end of a debt cycle (both long and short-term), growing wealth inequality, political conflict, and eventually the rise of a new world power.

"To understand the current period, I recommend that you understand the workings of the 1935-45 period closely, which is the last time similar forces were at work to produce a similar dynamic," he concluded. "Please understand that I'm not saying that the past is prologue in an identical way. What I am saying that the basic cause/effect relationships are analogous."


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