Today is "Festivus," the fake holiday made popular by "Seinfeld" in a classic 1997 episode.
To commemorate the occasion, Sen.
Paul has a lot of grievances:
A lot of them are about the Fed:
He thinks too many people wear ties on TV, but he can't stay away from the Fed for long:
U, me & "feats of strength:" Senate floor, name the time MT @SenRandPaul A Festivus grievance re bipartisanship. Booker doesn't RT me enough
- Cory Booker (@CoryBooker) December 23, 2013
The "feats of strength" is another Festivus tradition that involves wrestling the head of the household until he is pinned. But then it got a little awkward:
@CoryBooker how about mandatory minimum sentencing reform instead?
- Senator Rand Paul (@SenRandPaul) December 23, 2013
Yes, If u throw in reforming Fed Hemp & Marijuana laws u've got a deal! RT @SenRandPaul: How about mandatory min sentencing reform instead?
- Cory Booker (@CoryBooker) December 23, 2013