99 Days of Freedom, created by ad agency Just, asks people to take a break from Facebook for 99 days. In return, the group says you'll save an average of 28 hours.
The purpose of this study is to figure out how life without Facebook affects your individual happiness.
The experiment is a direct response to Facebook's psychological experiment unearthed last month, which revealed how Facebook's data scientists tweaked its Newsfeed algorithms for one week in 2012 to see how moods like happiness and depression can be transfered across the network.
Joining 99 Days of Freedom is pretty straightforward. All you do is change your profile photo to reflect that you're participating in the experiment. Next, you click "Create countdown." Once you share that on Facebook, the countdown will begin.
Throughout the three months, pariticpants will be asked to complete anonymous happiness surveys.
"Our prediction is that the experiment will yield a lot of positive personal experiences and, 99 days from now, we'll know whether that theory has legs," the group wrote in a press release.
Check out how to set it up below.
First, head on over to 99daysoffreedom.com. Click "Join the experiment."99 Days of Freedom
Step one is to change your avatar. Facebook
Now it's time to create your countdown. Just type in your name and email address (optional).
99 Days of Freedom
99 Days of Freedom
Once you're ready for the countdown to officially begin, click "Share on Facebook."Here's what it looks like on Facebook. Now, all of your friends will know why you've seemingly fallen off of the digital map.99 Days of Freedom
99 Days of Freedom
99 Days of Freedom