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Qualcomm Eager To Bring Developer Community Closer To Its Goal

<b>Qualcomm Eager To Bring Developer Community Closer To Its

Let’s face it, apps are the new gadgets. The Indian developer community is growing rapidly, especially in the mobile segment. There are two dozen new app companies that have come up in the last 9 months in cities like Hyderabad, Noida and Bangalore in India. That is probably why companies like Qualcomm have made it a point to support and explore the opportunities here. We got a glimpse of how the company is supporting the developer community at Qualcomm’s yearly event called Uplinq, which takes place in San Diego every year.

Quite a few Indian developers were at the event, people who had some really good innovations up their sleeves. One of them was the Apalya group, who deals in video-on-demand and live television on the mobile platform. Backed by the Qualcomm developer initiative, heads at Apalya are nearly ready with a ‘video and movies on demand’ module for your television set that can be ordered using your mobile phone.

Similar proposals are being taken up and Qualcomm India wants to bring the community closer to their finished products. Talking about the initiative, Sandeep Sibal, Country Manager of Qualcomm India, emphasised that the company is constantly looking for new talent in the developer community and providing them with Qualcomm equipment and chipsets to help them achieve their goals. In turn, the move will bring a more aggressive and determined workforce to the table who can develop new apps and software for various segments.

We hope to see a developer event soon in India where Qualcomm will invite various such groups to participate and bring new ideas to the kingdom of apps and more. This will be a good platform for like-minded people to meet and exchange ideas. India has a lot of raw talent in the software industry that just need a push to freefall into the limitless possibilities of becoming the Next Big App.


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