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'Proud Undocumented UC Berkeley Alumnus' Pens Op-Ed Bashing Janet Napolitano

'Proud Undocumented UC Berkeley Alumnus' Pens Op-Ed Bashing Janet Napolitano

Janet Napolitano


Last month, United States Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano announced she would resign her government position to become the new president of the University of California system, a move that seems to have gained mostly support from students.

However, in an op-ed published yesterday by the Daily Californian, "proud undocumented UC Berkeley alumnus" Ju Hong blasts the Napolitano nomination, writing that he is "appalled by the decision."

When his family was robbed in 2010, Hong says, their entire house was wrecked, but "we decided not to call the police — because of the anti-immigrant policies that Janet Napolitano championed."

"The fear of deportation was real," he writes.

Hong also cites a statement from the head of the presidential search committee, who said, “Janet Napolitano has been an ardent advocate for the federal Dream Act and the architect of a policy that protects from deportation young undocumented immigrants who are pursuing a college education.”

Hong writes that "The statement is not only inaccurate but also offensive to undocumented immigrants who actually fought against Napolitano’s very own anti-immigrant programs."


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