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Pro-Brexit campaigners just heckled David Cameron and he dealt with it like a pro

Jeremy Wilson   

Pro-Brexit campaigners just heckled David Cameron and he dealt with it like a pro

David Cameron


British Prime Minister David Cameron was giving a big speech at the Confederation of British Industry's (CBI) annual conference this morning when he was interrupted by two hecklers shouting "CBI voice of Brussels." The heckle is a play on the CBI's official slogan "CBI, voice of business." 

Vote Leave, the pro-Brexit organisation, confirmed to Business Insider that the group helped the two protesters get into the conference venue. Politicians that back Vote Leave include Conservative MP Owen Paterson, Labour MP Kate Hoey and UKIP MP Douglas Carswell.

The CBI is an organisation that represents over 190,000 businesses, making it the biggest business group in the UK. It is also one of the most influential groups lobbying for the UK to stay in Europe, and as such is regularly accused by anti-EU campaigners of misrepresenting its member's opinions on whether Britain should stay in the EU.

Cameron didn't seem too perturbed by the protesters, telling them "We're going to have a debate in a minute, if you wait for a second you can ask me a question, other than interrupting what's a very good conference." Then, as the protesters refused to stop, Cameron mocked them, telling them to sit down and stop making "fools" out of themselves.

You can watch the video from Sky News below:

Sky News caught up with the protesters after they were kicked out of the conference venue. They turned out to be a couple of young men claiming to be from an organisation called "students4britain," who said they were protesting against the CBI misrepresenting the views of British businesses. You can watch them explain their actions below:

The fact that a mainstream organisation like Vote Leave was willing to help disrupt the Prime Minister is a sign that the Brexit campaign is really starting to heat up. We should expect more stunts like this as the opposing sides of the European referendum debate vie to have their voices heard.

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