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POWER RANKINGS: Here's who has the best chance at being our next president

Sep 29, 2015, 20:06 IST

Donald TrumpREUTERS/Randall Hill

Over the past month of the presidential campaign, we've seen more surprises (Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, and Bernie Sanders). And we've seen our first exits from the race.


Former Gov. Rick Perry of Texas (R) is out. Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin (R), one of the strongest-looking GOP candidates early in the race, is out.

Meanwhile, a group of self-proclaimed political outsiders continues to shake up the races in both parties.

With just more than 400 days until the 2016 election, here's another look at who has the best chance of making it to the White House to succeed President Barack Obama.

Our rankings are based on the Real Clear Politics averages of national polls and those in the first-voting states of New Hampshire, Iowa, and South Carolina. We also factor in candidates' fundraising prowess and their momentum (or lack thereof) over the past few weeks, especially after the second Republican presidential debate earlier this month.


Here's a look at where all the candidates stand.

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