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POLL: The Government Shutdown Is Destroying The Republican Brand

Brett LoGiurato,Josh Barro   

POLL: The Government Shutdown Is Destroying The Republican Brand

John Boehner scared


The Republican Party is more unpopular than it's been at any time since at least 1989.

With the government shutdown and debt ceiling fight ongoing, just 24% of Americans have a positive view of the Republican party, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC poll.

That's the lowest level in 24 years of WSJ/NBC polling. It's also down 8 points from June. 53% view the Republican Party negatively.

That compares with 39% who view the Democratic Party positively, which is the same level as June. 40% view the Democratic Party negatively.

Respondents were 22 points more likely to blame the shutdown on Republicans in Congress than on President Obama. 53% mostly blame Republicans, while 31% mostly blame the President. 13% blame both equally.

The poll also offers reason to believe the shutdown and debt limit fight are having negative impacts on consumer confidence and the economy. 78% of respondents said the country is on the "wrong track," and only 14% said it was heading in the right direction.

That is nearly the worst response NBC/WSJ has ever gotten on that question. The numbers were worse only once before: October 2008, right after the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers.

63% said the ongoing budget negotiations in Washington made them feel less confident about the economy getting better. Somehow, 7% of Americans are drawing increased economic confidence from Washington today.

And aren't just nervous, they really think the shutdown matters. 73% say the shutdown is an "extremely" or "quite" serious problem. Only 57% said so when NBC asked the same question during the government shutdown in November 1995.

31% of respondents said they had been personally affected by the shutdown, compared to just 18% in 1995.


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