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POLL: Christie Survives The First Week Of Bridgegate

Danny Vinik   

POLL: Christie Survives The First Week Of Bridgegate

Chris Christie


Christie has to be happy with the poll numbers so far.

A Monmouth University/Asbury Park Press poll released today found Gov. Chris Christie's approval rating among New Jersey adults had dropped from 65% in December to 59% last week.

While 51% do not believe that the governor is being "completely honest" about Bridgegate 52% do not think he was involved in the actual planning.

The six percentage point drop comes after emails released last week revealed that Bridget Kelly, then Christie's Deputy Chief of Staff, had called for the closure of local access lanes to the George Washington Bridge. Christie fired Kelly last week; he accepted the resignations of two of his Port Authority appointees in the fall.

Nationally, the intensity of attention to the scandal is moderate. According to a new poll from the Pew Research Center today, just 18% of Americans said they were following the scandal "very closely" compared to 44% who said so about the weather. More people also followed the economy and debate on unemployment benefits.

For those that followed Bridgegate closely, last week's revelations caused 16% of them to have a more unfavorable opinion of Christie. Six percent actually have a more favorable opinion while 60% say their opinion hasn't changed.

Nearly as many Republicans have a better opinion of Christie (9%) in the wake of scandal as have a worse one (10%).

Monmouth and Ashbury Park Press polled 541 New Jersey adults from January 10-12. Their poll has a margin of error of 4.2 percentage points.

The Pew survey of 1,006 adults was conducted on January 9-12. For the 460 people who followed Bridgegate either "very closely" or "fairly closely," the margin of error was 5.4%.


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