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  5. Trump's kids won't lose their 5th Amendment rights and be forced to testify against him if they're pardoned, experts say

Trump's kids won't lose their 5th Amendment rights and be forced to testify against him if they're pardoned, experts say

Jacob Shamsian   

Trump's kids won't lose their 5th Amendment rights and be forced to testify against him if they're pardoned, experts say
  • Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's former attorney, told MSNBC that Trump's presidential pardons could backfire because people could be forced to testify against him without the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination.
  • The issue has implications for Trump's allies and family members, who could face investigations over matters entangled with Trump himself.
  • But experts in criminal law say Cohen's interpretation of the law is probably wrong.
  • Witnesses could always invoke the Fifth Amendment for state crimes. It would take extreme circumstances to wave away its protections entirely, said Randy Zelin, a criminal-defense lawyer.
  • For issues like tax or financial fraud that could implicate Trump, their "continuing" nature means pardon protection is limited, said Alan Dershowitz, a Harvard constitutional-law professor and criminal-defense lawyer.

President Donald Trump's pardons probably won't come back to bite him.

Some legal observers - including Michael Cohen, Trump's former personal attorney and fixer - have suggested that Trump's pardons may backfire.

The theory goes like this: If Trump pardons people, they'll no longer have the Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination and will be forced to testify in cases that could implicate Trump.

This could be particularly dangerous for cases close to Trump, whether it's Donald Trump Jr. and Jared Kushner's meeting with a Russian lawyer to seek dirt on Hillary Clinton ahead of the 2016 election, or accusations that Ivanka Trump misused inauguration funds or helped her father with fake consulting-fee tax write-offs.

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But experts in criminal law say the president probably doesn't have much to worry about.

"Anyone who says that, as a blanket proposition, anyone pardoned by Trump cannot invoke the Fifth Amendment privilege - that is just misguided, misplaced," Randy Zelin, a criminal-defense lawyer at Wilk Auslander and an adjunct professor at Cornell Law School, told Insider. "It is completely oversimplifying and missing the issue."

Pardons might help prosecutors - but not much

Cohen, who was disbarred in New York after pleading guilty to charges of tax evasion and campaign-finance violations, has said Trump's pardons of Michael Flynn and Roger Stone mean prosecutors could force their testimony in cases against him.

"This produces a very significant problem for Donald Trump in the fact that once you receive that pardon power, once you get that pardon, you're no longer able to invoke the Fifth Amendment - the right against self-incrimination - because you cannot be charged," Cohen told MSNBC this week.

"So all of these people may ultimately be his downfall simply because they'll be testifying against him either before a court or a tribunal," Cohen added.

Both cases stemmed from the Mueller investigation, which Trump has decried as a "witch hunt." Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, and Stone was convicted of multiple obstruction-related charges.

In an interview with Insider, Cohen's attorney Barry Spevack agreed with Cohen's interpretation of the law - to a point.

He said a pardon could make it easier for a prosecutor to compel testimony, but they would still have to clear other significant hurdles.

Since a pardon from the president doesn't cover state crimes, anyone pardoned by Trump - whether it's Flynn, Stone, or, potentially, Trump's children - could invoke the Fifth Amendment and say they want to avoid state-level prosecution.

"If I were defending one of these people, I would say, 'Well, the pardon doesn't protect me from state prosecution, so I'm going to assert my Fifth Amendment for that reason,'" Spevack said.

Trump's family members, for example, could be bedeviled by investigations by the New York Attorney General's Office and the Manhattan District Attorney's Office into Trump's personal and company finances. Trump pardoned Paul Manafort, his former campaign chairman, for federal crimes, but Manafort could still face charges in New York state.

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The potential for state-level charges may be the biggest obstacle for compelling testimony. It's difficult to envision a scenario that "would be wholly federal and in no way, shape, or form could be state," Zelin said.

"Even if we talk about the possibility of President Trump pardoning himself - or invoking the 25th Amendment and having Vice President Pence become president on the morning of January 20 and pardon President Trump - that part does not extend to the New York state criminal investigations right now that are underway," Zelin said.

The 5th Amendment offers wide protections

Prosecutors can still try other ways to force testimony. They can strike a deal that gets the witness immunity for their testimony, or persuade a judge that the witness isn't at any real risk of prosecution for what they say and so should be compelled to testify.

But legal observers say it takes extremely narrow conditions to sidestep the Fifth Amendment's protections, and it's unlikely to happen in the cases connected to Trump.

All anyone needs to use the Fifth Amendment, Zelin said, is "a reasonable apprehension of criminal prosecution."

The Fifth Amendment is simply too important to a democratic way of life to be waved away so easily, Zelin said. It exists, he said, to protect people from the government forcing testimony, whether those people are guilty or innocent. To invoke it, you don't even need to point to an existing case or investigation.

"The Fifth Amendment privilege and the ability of someone to invoke it is so broad, you don't have to be able to allege that if you say something you could be convicted on your words," Zelin said. "It is simply enough if your words could help the government uncover evidence that could be used against you."

Pardons are also limited in scope; they extend only to the federal crimes specified. But state crimes or linked federal crimes are still fair game.

Alan Dershowitz, the famed Harvard law professor, criminal-defense lawyer, and constitutional scholar, told Insider that the Fifth Amendment could be invoked to protect against prosecution in those cases as well.

"A creative lawyer can find bases for invoking the Fifth Amendment even in the face of a pardon," Dershowitz, who was on Trump's impeachment defense team, told Insider.

If Trump, for example, pardoned someone for perjury, they could still invoke the Fifth Amendment and refuse to testify on the grounds that they may incriminate themselves in laws against lying to a federal official. Many federal crimes also have matching state-level statues, Dershowitz pointed out, which may give prosecutors more options but also effectively ensures the Fifth Amendment can still apply even after a pardon.

"If there's anything else that he could be prosecuted for other than what he was pardoned for, he still has the Fifth Amendment," Dershowitz said.

Even a wide-ranging blanket pardon applies only to past actions. For crimes that are ongoing - such as, theoretically, if Trump falsified his financial holdings so that he could pay almost nothing in taxes each year - there's no pardoning for the future.

"With taxes or any kind of bank stuff, these are continuing crimes," Dershowitz said. "If you did it one year, unless you change your tax returns for future years, you could be liable."


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