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  5. Trump wants to slash the number of US troops in Germany, and it could be a win for Russia

Trump wants to slash the number of US troops in Germany, and it could be a win for Russia

Ryan Pickrell   

Trump wants to slash the number of US troops in Germany, and it could be a win for Russia
  • Earlier this month, it was reported that the Trump administration is planning to significantly reduce the number of US troops in Germany.
  • Trump confirmed Monday plans to pull troops out of the country, stating that he plans to cap the number of troops at 25,000, less than half of the current limit.
  • It is unclear if the plan is to move troops out of Europe or to relocate them to another country on the continent, but either way, experts say the move would undermine the NATO alliance and deliver a win to US adversaries, namely Russia.

The White House plans to significantly reduce its military presence in Germany, a move expert observers argue would be a win for Russia and a loss for the NATO alliance.

"We are undermining our own soldiers, we're undermining our bilateral relations with the Germans, we're undermining our NATO allies and the NATO alliance as an institution and a force providing deterrence, and we are bolstering our adversaries," said Jim Townsend, a transatlantic security expert at the Center for New American Security.

The plan outlined in a memo signed by White House National Security Advisor Robert O'Brien would reduce the US troop presence in Germany by 9,500 and cap the total number of US troops in country at 25,000, The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this month.

There are currently around 34,500 US troops permanently stationed in Germany with a potential to increase that up to 52,000 as needed. President Donald Trump on Monday confirmed plans to cap the number of troops at less than half the current limit.

"We would welcome any steps by Washington to reduce its military presence in Europe," Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said last Thursday, dismissing the large US military presence in Germany as outdated.

"The potential withdrawal would certainly please the Russians," Jeffrey Edmonds, a Russia expert at the nonprofit research organization CNA, told Insider.

"The Russian leadership has long held the view that the current security arrangement in Europe, with the existence of NATO and US forces forward deployed, is a relic the Cold War and is not necessary today."

He explained that Russia largely perceives the US military presence in Europe as a force in place to undermine its strategic national interests.

Right now, it is unclear if the US is thinking about pulling troops out of Germany to have them leave Europe altogether or to relocate to another country on the continent. Last summer, Trump suggested moving troops from Germany into Poland.

"Germany is not living up to what they're supposed to be doing with respect to NATO, and Poland is," Trump said in reference to his administration's repeated complaints that Germany is not spending enough on defense.

Trump's support for withdrawing troops appears to be based on animosity toward Germany and Chancellor Angela Merkel, with whom he has repeatedly clashed over spending issues. In comments Monday, Trump said "they owe NATO billions," adding, "Why should we be doing what we're doing if they don't pay?"

Trump misrepresented NATO spending in his remarks. Like many other allies, Germany has pledged to spend 2% of its GDP on its military by 2024; it doesn't pay this funding to NATO directly.

The AP, citing a White House official, reported last week that some troops might be sent to Poland while others may be moved elsewhere.

Even if troops depart Germany only to move into Poland, Townsend, who previously worked on Europe and NATO policy at the Pentagon, told Insider that the current uncertainty and instability are detrimental.

"One of the most important impacts is on the allies who have to deal with this unpredictable, irrational government," Townsend said. Also, "it looks like amateur hour" to US adversaries, he argued. "I am sure Putin is saying 'woohoo.'"

Reports on the White House plan to reduce the number of US troops in Germany indicated that the move could be done as early as September.

Last week, 22 House Armed Services Committee Republicans, including ranking member Rep. Mac Thornberry of Texas, called on the administration to reconsider its position in a letter.

"We strongly believe that NATO allies, such as Germany, should do more to contribute to our joint defense efforts," the lawmakers wrote. "At the same time, we also know that the forward stationing of American troops since the end of World War II has helped to prevent another world war and, most importantly, has helped make America safer."

"The threats posed by Russia have not lessened, and we believe that signs of a weakened US commitment to NATO will encourage further Russian aggression and opportunism," they wrote. They said the reported troop number caps could hinder training and hurt readiness.

Richard Grenell, the former US ambassador to Germany, explained to German media recently that "nobody should be surprised that Donald Trump is withdrawing troops."

Last summer, he sharply criticized Germany for not hitting its defense spending goals, writing that "it is offensive to assume that the US taxpayers will continue to pay for more than 50,000 Americans in Germany" while "the Germans get to spend their surplus on domestic programs."

German Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer told reporters last week that Germany has not been informed of any plans to cut the number of US troops in country. "The fact is that the presence of US soldiers in Germany serves the entire NATO alliance security, including America's own security," she said.


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