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  5. The release of the FBI's Mar-a-Lago affidavit could further damage Trump's defense, legal experts say

The release of the FBI's Mar-a-Lago affidavit could further damage Trump's defense, legal experts say

Tom Porter   

The release of the FBI's Mar-a-Lago affidavit could further damage Trump's defense, legal experts say
  • A federal judge ruled for the redacted Mar-a-Lago affidavit to be released Friday.
  • Trump has publicly called for the document's release, but legal experts say that it could further hurt his defense.

Former President Donald Trump has repeatedly and publicly called for the release of an FBI affidavit that formed the basis of the bureau's search of his Mar-a-Lago club and private residence. On Thursday, a federal judge granted Trump's request, ordering the release of a redacted version of the affidavit.

But legal and national-security experts say the former president should be careful what he wishes for and that the document's release could land him in more hot water.

Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart ruled that the Justice Department must file a redacted version of the affidavit to the public docket by noon ET on Friday. But he agreed to keep under seal parts of the affidavit that could reveal:

  • The identities of witnesses, law enforcement personnel, and uncharged parties
  • The strategy, direction, and scope of the department's investigation into Trump's handling of government documents
  • Sources and methods
  • Grand jury information

But even with those redactions, experts say, the document could still reveal key information about events leading up to the FBI's unprecedented search of the former president's home that could be damaging to him.

John Dean, who served as Richard Nixon's White House counsel and later became the star witness in Congress' Watergate investigation, told CNN that he "can't imagine that Trump is going to be happy with this document, given the fact it was an advocacy document written to persuade the judge to find probable cause to undertake a search."

The FBI's search warrant showed that investigators believed Trump may have violated three US laws, including the Espionage Act, when he moved government records from the White House to Mar-a-Lago upon leaving the presidency and then resisted turning them back over.

The affidavit underpinning the warrant likely contains information detailing why investigators believed they would find evidence of a crime at Mar-a-Lago. It could also have additional details — most of which will be redacted — about what documents the government has recovered, what the grand jury asked for and what's been presented to it, witness testimony related to the nature of the documents, the results or contents of previous searches, and the overall size and scope of the department's investigation.

"That isn't a document that's going to put a lot of pluses in for Donald Trump — in fact, the exact opposite. So I think he's going to be very unhappy with what he finds and with what comes out and it will not be good for Donald Trump," Dean told CNN.

Bradley Moss, a national-security attorney, echoed that view.

"Whatever comes out of this tomorrow, I don't think Trump's people realize how bad it could look for him. It won't be pretty," he tweeted on Thursday.

Moss said that the document could also provide details about what occurred between February — after the National Archives and Records Administration discovered that there was classified information in a batch of documents Trump had returned to them — and August, when the search was conducted.

"What we might see is great transparency not only of the facts surrounding how the Government came to the conclusion there were still classified documents located at Mar-a-Lago, but the particular efforts they concluded Mr. Trump and his staff were undertaking to conceal those documents from Government officials," he told Insider. "It is that information which is most likely to have set off so many alarm bells and caused DOJ to choose such a politically sensitive path of executing the search warrant."

The New York Times previously reported that agents were prompted to request their search warrant on Mar-a-Lago after growing concerned by footage showing people entering and leaving the storage room.

On PBS, the national-security attorney Mark Zaid cautioned that while the general public would likely be "very disappointed" by the document, experts would probably be able to glean interesting new insights into the probe based on the nature of the redactions.

Trump has called for the release of the full, unredacted affidavit and sought to portray attempts to hold back information from the public as evidence of a conspiracy against him by his political foes.

But that strategy backfired this week after John Solomon, a longtime Trump ally and his designated representative to the National Archives, released a May letter from the national archivist to Trump's attorneys that revealed the extent of classified information Trump took home with him.

Zaid said that as details about the DOJ's investigation into Trump's handling of national security information continue spilling out into the public, the worse it will be for the former president.

"The more information that comes out, contrary to what the Trump team is saying and encouraging it to happen, is actually undermining their own legal arguments and public policy posture," he told PBS.

Spokespeople for Trump did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment.

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