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  5. The January 6 committee released its final, 845-page report detailing the deadly Capitol riot and Trump's role in it. Read 14 of the most fascinating details.

The January 6 committee released its final, 845-page report detailing the deadly Capitol riot and Trump's role in it. Read 14 of the most fascinating details.

Erin Snodgrass   

The January 6 committee released its final, 845-page report detailing the deadly Capitol riot and Trump's role in it. Read 14 of the most fascinating details.
  • The January 6 panel published its final report after a nearly 18-month probe into the attack.
  • The nine-member committee of seven Democrats and two Republicans held its final public hearing Monday.

The House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, Capitol attack released its final 845-page report on Thursday night following an 18-month investigation into the insurrection.

Read the entire thing here:

The report's release comes three days after the panel held its final public hearing on Monday, when they referred Trump to the Justice Department on four criminal charges, including obstruction and inciting an insurrection.

Rep. Bennie Thompson, who is chair of the panel, said earlier this week that the committee will continue to release non-sensitive witness interviews through the end of the year before the panel dissolves ahead of the new Congress.

Here's a running list of the most fascinating new details:

  • Big fundraising after election loss: The committee found that Trump raised "one quarter of a billion dollars" in between the election and the January 6 riots. As the report notes, the fundraising solicitations during this period repeatedly referred to unproven and nonexistent examples of election fraud. In total, Trump and the RNC sent millions of emails in this time period spreading the word the election was "rigged." (Page 53)
  • New texts: As the riot unfolded, top Trump officials began to privately vent about the president's rhetoric and their role in shaping it. According to the committee's report, Trump speechwriter Gabriel Robert texted someone at 2:49 p.m, "Potus im sure is loving this." The day after a different member of the speech writing team, Patrick MacDonnell, conceded of Trump's speech "maybe the rhetoric could have been better." (Page 624)
  • Four Seasons Total Landscaping mentioned: Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani's bizarre news conference held on Nov 7, 2020, at a Philadelphia landscaping company gets a brief mention in the report. "The next day, November 7th, Giuliani held a press conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He immediately began making outlandish claims, arguing that the Democrats had conspired to steal the election," the committee writes. A Getty Image of Giuliani addressing reporters at the company located across the street from a cremation center and adjacent to an adult bookstore is also included in the report's executive summary. (Pages 234-235)
  • Trump's team knew that the claim that 10,000 dead people voted in Georgia was incorrect — and some texted joking about it. "My son found 12 obituaries and 6 other possibles depending on the Voter roll acuracy [sic]," Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows texted about the claim. White House senior advisor Eric Herschmann responded, "That sounds more like it. Maybe he can help Rudy find the other 10k ??" The reply from Meadows? "lol" (Page 230)
  • "Rudy is walking malpractice": Republican Sen. Mike Lee of Utah texted Robert O'Brien, the national security advisor, late at night on January 6 saying he'd just gotten a voice message from Giuliani. "You can't make this up," Lee wrote in the text. "I just got this voice message [from] Rudy Giuliani, who apparently thought he was calling Senator Tuberville." You've got to listen to that message. Rudy is walking malpractice."

  • Secret Service agent worried that "I don't know how they're gonna retake the Capitol" as Trump's supporters flooded the building: At 2:38 p.m. on January 6, Trump sent a tweet urging his supporters — who had broken into the Capitol and were just outside the House chamber — to "support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement." The committee noted that in the minutes before Trump posted the tweet, Fox News reported that the Capitol was on lockdown, that police officers were injured, and that rioters were in the building "just feet from the House chamber." At 2:39 p.m., one minute after Trump sent the tweet, Secret Service agents said that "[m]ore just got in." At 2:41 p.m., one agent wrote to others: "I don't know how they're gonna retake the Capitol building back at this point."
  • Top FBI official directed the Baltimore team to the Capitol after learning that "almost the entire Senate" was sheltering in one room: FBI deputy director David Bowdich told the committee that he received a phone call from Virginia Sen. Mark Warner as the riot was unfolding, in which Warner said that "this is a mess, and we now have the vast majority of the Senate in one room." Bowdich "recalls the number being about 87 senators," the report said, "and that he directed the FBI's Baltimore team to 'protect that room, recognizing you have almost the entire Senate in one room.'"
  • Trump's 2020 campaign manager locked Giuliani out of his office: Bill Stepien testified that he was so uncomfortable with Giuliani's post-election antics that he told his assistant not to allow the former mayor into his office. "I told her, don't let anyone in," Stepien testified. "You know, I'll be around when I need to be around. You know, tell me what I need to know. Tell me what's going on here, but, you know, you're going to see less of me. And, you know, sure enough, you know, Mayor Giuliani tried to, you know, get in my office and ordered her to unlock the door, and she didn't do that, you know. She's, you know, smart about that."
  • The pressure campaign on state legislators was in full force: "The Select Committee estimates that in the two months between the November election and the January 6th insurrection, President Trump or his inner circle engaged in at least 200 apparent acts of public or private outreach, pressure, or condemnation, targeting either State legislators or State or local election administrators, to overturn State election results." (Page 271)
  • Ivanka Trump was "visibly upset" after several attempts to convince her father to condemn the violence. After one particularly grueling attempt, she told the committee she had to visit her husband, Jared Kushner, to "regroup." Per the report: "Once, Ivanka Trump reportedly left her father with a look on her face 'as if she had just had a tough conversation.'" Her chief of staff said she looked "visibly upset" after each visit. (Page 625)
  • Trump wanted to attend the electoral vote count: As one witness account suggested, the committee revealed that Trump wanted to participate in the electoral vote count from the House floor, "standing with Republican Congressmen, perhaps in an effort to apply further pressure to Vice President Mike Pence and others." (Page 153)
  • Ginni Thomas unscathed: Despite sitting with the panel for nearly four hours in September, Ginni Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, is not mentioned in the committee's final report. "The information was typical of a lot of information we received from other people who were involved in this effort around Jan. 6. A lot of: 'Well, I believed something was wrong,'" Committee Chair Bennie Thomas told reporters at the time, per Politico.
  • Torn documents: In a footnote, the report notes the select committee received some documents from the National Archives that were "in a format consistent with the documents having been torn apart and taped back together." A former White House aide told previously told the committee he had personally witnessed Trump "tearing" documents, which would be a violation of the Presidential Records Act. (Page 502)
  • RNC fundraising emails drama: Ethan Katz, a young RNC staffer in his 20s who wrote copy for fundraising emails, reportedly grew uncomfortable with the language the Trump fundraising team was using and asked why the campaign was calling for votes to stop being counted in some states and continue to be counted in others. The report notes that Katz put his foot down, refusing to pen a fundraising email that said Trump won Pennsylvania before the state had been called. The RNC simply found another copywriter to do the task, the report notes, and fired Katz three weeks after the election ended. (Pages 798-782)

Editor's Note: This story has been updated with additional details since publication.

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