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Ted Cruz challenged the actor Ron Perlman to a wrestling match with Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan after Perlman called Jordan ugly

Jun 16, 2020, 01:28 IST
Business Insider
Sen. Ted Cruz on Capitol Hill.AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster
  • Republican Sen. Ted Cruz challenged the actor Ron Perlman to a wrestling match with Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan after Perlman called Jordan ugly.
  • It started after Perlman got into a Twitter fight with Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz, saying that, were it not for Jordan, Gaetz would be the "ugliest politician walking."
  • Cruz then jumped in to defend Jordan's honor, saying he would bet $10,000 "to the nonpolitical charity" of Perlman's choice that Perlman "couldn't last 5 min in the wrestling ring" with Jordan, a former wrestling coach.
  • "Is this the same guy let little Donnie call his wife A dog and his father an assassin and now kisses his a--?" Perlman wrote back, referring to President Donald Trump.
  • "I tell you what teddy boy, since mentioning jim jordan and wrestling is ... problematic, why don't we say f--- him and just make it you & me."
  • "You sure seem scared to wrestle Jordan," Cruz fired back, to which Perlman replied, "jim jordan's too easy, just a little b----. But you teddy, you talk s--- about New York every chance you get. My hometown. It's personal. Let's go mofo!"
  • As of Monday afternoon, Cruz hasn't responded. Business Insider will update this story if he does and if Perlman and Jordan agree to a wrestling match.

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz challenged the actor Ron Perlman to a wrestling match with Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan after Perlman called Jordan ugly.

It started when Perlman, known for starring in the movie "Hellboy," got into a Twitter fight with Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz.

Gaetz and President Donald Trump criticized the US Soccer Federation over the weekend after the organization announced it would not force players to stand for the national anthem.

Perlman weighed in on Twitter: "The US Soccer team called and you guessed it ... said they couldn't give any less of a f--- about what you two dipsh--s think. @realDonaldTrump @mattgaetz."

Gaetz fired back: "This racial justice warrior had no problem in Hollywood portraying the White Supremacist leader of a motorcycle gang. #SOA"


"Yessir, so true!" Perlman replied. "So rewarding playing a--holes on tv. Tell me sir, how is it actually being one?"

Gaetz retaliated and said he considered a "badge of honor" that "Hollywood thinks I'm an a--hole."

"You wouldn't be tweeting about me if my message weren't true & effective," the Florida congressman continued. "Threatens your wokeness. How triggered will you be when @realDonaldTrump is re-elected? More or less than when crooked lost?"

Perlman replied that it isn't just Hollywood that dislikes Gaetz and tacked on the following:

Gaetz replied: "Dude I represent a district of 700k that elected me w about two-thirds of the vote the last 3x I've been on a ballot ... Leave the tough guy comments for those of us who face the voters."


"Ya know what, you're right," Perlman shot back. "A guy who wins a totally gerrymandered district with daddy's money deserves our deepest admiration. You're right..I only PLAY scumbags and grifters. You're the real deal!"

In a follow-up tweet, Perlman called Gaetz ugly and said that were it not for Jordan, Gaetz would be "the ugliest politician walking."

That's when Cruz, the second-term senator and former Republican presidential candidate, jumped in to defend Jordan's honor and challenged Perlman to wrestle the Ohio congressman, who is also a former wrestling coach accused of covering up sexual misconduct while at Ohio State.

"Listen Hellboy. You talk good game when you've got Hollywood makeup & stuntmen," Cruz tweeted at Perlman. "But I'll bet $10k—to the nonpolitical charity of your choice—that you couldn't last 5 min in the wrestling ring w/ @Jim_Jordan w/o getting pinned. You up for it? Or does your publicist say too risky?"

Perlman responded, excoriating Cruz for supporting Trump during the 2016 election after Trump insulted his wife and accused his father of killing President John F. Kennedy Jr.


"Wait, is this THEE Ted Cruz? Holy s--- man!" Perlman tweeted. "Is this the same guy let little Donnie call his wife A dog and his father an assassin and now kisses his a--? Yo, can I get your autograph man?"

Perlman added: "I tell you what teddy boy, since mentioning jim jordan and wrestling is... problematic, why don't we say f--- him and just make it you & me. I'll give 50k to Black Lives Matter and you can keep all the tax payer money you were thinking of spending."

"I get it, you're rich," Cruz responded. "But, apparently, soft. You sure seem scared to wrestle Jordan (whom you keep insulting). Can't take the heat? Need to get a manicure?"

Perlman fired back, writing, "Teddy, Teddy, what kind of a m--------- offers to have another guy, probably asleep at the time, kick another guy's a--?"

"Let's get back to bidness ted," Perlman continued. "jim jordan's too easy, just a little b----. But you teddy, you talk s--- about New York every chance you get. My hometown. It's personal. Let's go mofo!"


As of Monday afternoon, Cruz hasn't responded. Business Insider will update this story if he does and if Perlman and Jordan agree to a wrestling match.

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