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Obama said politics will be less exhausting if Biden wins, and it's a compelling closing pitch to voters

John Haltiwanger   

Obama said politics will be less exhausting if Biden wins, and it's a compelling closing pitch to voters
  • Former President Barack Obama's closing pitch to voters is that life won't be so "exhausting" if they elect Joe Biden over President Donald Trump.
  • It's a compelling message amid a pandemic and economic crisis, and after four years of constant chaos under Trump.
  • Polling has consistently shown voters are suffering from news fatigue in the Trump era, and are extremely unhappy with the state of the country.
  • Trump at a rally on Tuesday told supporters that politics will be boring if he's not reelected, inadvertently reminding voters he's the chaos candidate who prioritizes holding their attention more than anything else.

"It just won't be so exhausting."

That's former President Barack Obama's closing pitch to voters on behalf of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris with the country less than two weeks from Election Day.

It's a simple but effective message: if you elect Biden, politics will not weigh heavily on your daily life anymore.

"And with Joe and Kamala at the helm, you're not going to have to think about the crazy things they said every day. And that's worth a lot," Obama said during a speech in Philadelphia on Wednesday. "You're not going to have to argue about them every day. It just won't be so exhausting."

After roughly four years of non-stop chaos under President Donald Trump, which has been topped off by his disastrous handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, it's a compelling closing argument.

Trump has been a uniquely destructive president. He's torn families apart, emboldened far right extremist groups, eroded democratic norms, mirrored the behavior of authoritarians while kowtowing to autocrats worldwide, damaged relationships with key US allies, and seen more than 222,000 Americans die from a virus he deliberately downplayed (and eventually contracted) during the final year of his first term.

Meanwhile, there's also an economic recession linked to the pandemic that's left millions unemployed and struggling to pay rent, but the GOP has prioritized confirming Trump's Supreme Court nominee over an economic relief package.

With less than two weeks until Election Day, Trump is still on Twitter airing grievances and attacking journalists rather than focusing on the myriad problems facing the country.

Americans are, quite understandably, exhausted with and disenchanted by the state of US politics.

Even before COVID-19 was a blip on America's radar, voters were showing signs of extreme exhaustion in the Trump era. A Pew Research Center survey conducted in October and November of last year found about two-thirds of Americans (66%) feel worn out by the amount of news there is.

Not long after the Pew survey was completed, Trump was impeached in the House, and weeks later he ordered a drone strike that killed Iran's top general and sparked fears of a new war in the Middle East. Roughly a month after the controversial strike — in early February — Trump was acquitted in the Senate and the first known COVID-19 US death occurred. A more recent Pew survey from early October found about six-in-10 Americans (61%) say they are worn out by so much coverage of the 2020 presidential election.

With the president hopping from one self-inflicted crisis to the next, it's no wonder many Americans are suffering from emotional exhaustion on various levels.

As Insider previously reported, polling released in the spring and early summer found that Americans are the unhappiest they've been in 50 years and exhibiting historically low levels of national pride. In the COVID Response Tracking Study, conducted in late May by NORC at the University of Chicago, just 14% of American respondents said they were very happy. By comparison, 31% said the same in 2018.

And a Gallup poll from mid-June found that national pride was at a record low. Though most respondents said they were "extremely proud" (42%) or "very proud" (21%) to be American, both readings marked the lowest Gallup has recorded since it began polling on this issue in 2001.

Trump, who is trailing Biden in the national polls and has consistently received negative marks from voters on his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, at a campaign rally on Tuesday told his supporters that politics will be boring if he's not reelected.

"Nobody's going to be interested in politics anymore," Trump said.

But many voters are seemingly desperate to return to a time in which they're not afraid to look at the news in the morning, anxious about what the president may have done (or tweeted) while they were sleeping.

"You'd wake up in the morning — 'What has he done today? You know, are we going to blow up today?'" Judy Jones, a retired social worker in North Carolina who's volunteering for Biden, recently told Los Angeles Times. "We just want to wake up and go. 'OK, there's someone decent with integrity running this country.'"

Craving attention at all times, Trump has treated being president like a reality TV show — regardless of the impact on the country. American voters never asked to be entertained by politics, they'd much rather live in a functioning country.

"This is not a reality show," Obama said on Wednesday. "This is reality, and the rest of us have had to live with the consequences of him proving himself incapable of taking the job seriously."


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