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  5. GOP Senate candidate Dave McCormick drops 'pro-life' rhetoric from his website as party strategists urge shift on abortion messaging

GOP Senate candidate Dave McCormick drops 'pro-life' rhetoric from his website as party strategists urge shift on abortion messaging

Bryan Metzger   

GOP Senate candidate Dave McCormick drops 'pro-life' rhetoric from his website as party strategists urge shift on abortion messaging
  • Dave McCormick struck an old "Issues" page from his website, including a section on abortion.
  • He's mounting a second Senate bid in Pennsylvania as the GOP mulls a shift in abortion messaging.

As Dave McCormick mounts a second campaign for the GOP nomination for Senate in Pennsylvania, he has removed an old "Issues" page from his website that touted his "staunchly pro-life" bona fides.

"Dave is staunchly pro-life and believes that life begins at conception," read the old "Issues" pages, according to the Internet Archive. "Dave has attended the March for Life rally in Washington, DC and will continue to advocate for the rights of the unborn."

McCormick, the former CEO of Bridgewater Associates, is mounting a second campaign with the backing of party leaders after losing the primary to Trump-backed candidate Mehmet Oz in 2022. He would face Democrat Sen. Bob Casey in the general election.

In a statement to Insider, campaign spokeswoman Elizabeth Gregory argued that McCormick's position hasn't changed.

"As Dave has said numerous times last cycle and more recently, he is pro-life and supports exceptions in the cases of rape, incest, and saving the life of the mother," said Gregory. "Meanwhile, Bob Casey has repeatedly voted to allow abortion up until the moment of birth, an extreme position that is totally out of touch with the people of Pennsylvania."

Casey, who has long described himself as "pro-life," notably voted to advance the Women's Health Protection Act last year, a Democratic-backed bill that provides essentially no restrictions on abortion, arguing that the "circumstances around the entire debate on abortion have changed" in the wake of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade.

Gregory also provided audio from a campaign event in February 2022 where McCormick said he supported those three exceptions.

"I do accept three exceptions... rape, incest, and the life of the mother," McCormick told attendees, according to the audio. "That's the same position Ronald Reagan had, that's the same position Donald Trump has."

Gregory also argued that the website change had nothing to do with the abortion issue in particular.

"As you'll see when looking at the website, it's entirely redone from last cycle and to somehow conclude that this has to do with one issue would be ridiculous," said Gregory.

Pressed on whether McCormick's website may include messaging on abortion in the future, Gregory argued that the campaign has "been extremely transparent in communicating Dave's consistent stance on this issue."

A broader shift in abortion messaging

McCormick is launching his second campaign as party leaders and strategists mull a shift in messaging on abortion.

Republicans underperformed expectations during the 2022 midterm elections, and many in the party have acknowledged that the Supreme Court's overturning of Roe v. Wade spurred higher turnout among Democratic and moderate voters.

As NBC News reported earlier this month, top party strategists told Republican senators during a closed-door meeting that voters are reacting negatively to the term "pro-life."

"What intrigued me the most about the results was that 'pro-choice' and 'pro-life' means something different now," Republican Sen. Kevin Cramer of North Dakota told the outlet after the meeting. "People see being pro-life as being against all abortions."

NBC also reported that Senate Republicans' campaign arm — which spent months courting McCormick to run — is "encouraging Republicans to clearly state their opposition to a national abortion ban" while pressing for "reasonable limits on late-term abortions" and exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother.

But that broader shift could make things awkward for McCormick, given that he attacked Mehmet Oz for being insufficiently opposed to abortion during the 2022 GOP primary.

And during an April 2022 Senate debate, McCormick only named the "life of the mother" as an acceptable exception to an abortion ban — without mentioning rape or incest.

"I believe in the very rare instances there should be exceptions for the life of the mother," McCormick said at the time.

Democrats have since seized upon those public comments to argue that McCormick is now misrepresenting his true beliefs.

"Last year, David McCormick stood on a debate stage and told tens of thousands of Pennsylvania voters that he doesn't support exceptions for rape or incest," said Maddy McDaniel, senior communications adviser to the Pennsylvania Democratic Party, in a statement to Insider. "It's too late to try to lie about it now — Pennsylvanians know the truth about his extreme views on abortion."

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