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Trump just reauthorized police to use high-tech military gear - Here's what they can get

Weaponized aircraft, vessels or vehicles of any kind.

Trump just reauthorized police to use high-tech military gear - Here's what they can get

Armored vehicles with tracks.

Armored vehicles with tracks.

"Tracked armored vehicles are included on the Prohibited Equipment List because they are designed specifically for use in military operations, their appearance may undermine community trust when used in support of civilian law enforcement activities, and LEAs can find alternative equipment options," Law Enforcement Equipment Working Group recommendations said. 

Grenade launchers.

Grenade launchers.

"Although grenade launchers can be used to launch tear gas and other nonexplosive and less‐than‐lethal projectiles, their use and misuse can be detrimental to maintaining public trust in law enforcement, and other devices that do not have similar militaristic connotations are available to launch tear gas," Law Enforcement Equipment Working Group said. 

Munitions of .50 caliber or higher were also banned for the same reasons as .50 caliber firearms.

Munitions of .50 caliber or higher were also banned for the same reasons as .50 caliber firearms.

Weapons of .50 caliber or higher.

Weapons of .50 caliber or higher.

Weapons above 0.50 caliber, such as the Browning .50 caliber machine gun seen above, are also on the prohibited list because they are "very destructive and capable of penetrating structures and lightly armored vehicles," Law Enforcement Equipment Working Group said. 



"This type of equipment is likewise seen as incompatible with the concept of civilian law enforcement, particularly when other equipment, such as a utility knife, could be used for ordinary and other legitimate law enforcement purposes," Law Enforcement Equipment Working Group said. 

Camouflage uniforms.

Camouflage uniforms.

Camouflage uniforms are mostly used by SWAT officers, but critics, like Obama, worried that it could create an “us versus them” mentality.  

The Law Enforcement Equipment Working Group that made recommendations to Obama in 2015 also noted that wearing camouflage uniforms in urban settings does not actually camouflage the officer. 

However, "solid‐color utility uniforms are not listed on the Prohibited or Controlled Equipment Lists and may continue to be acquired through Federal programs," Law Enforcement Equipment Working Group said. 

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