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Photos of China's 'Airpocalypse' - where industrial smog makes the country into living hell for half a billion people

China's smog problem has reached "red alert," the highest level in China's four-tiered pollution warning system.

Photos of China's 'Airpocalypse' - where industrial smog makes the country into living hell for half a billion people

A paramilitary police officer wearing a mask stands guard in front of a portrait of the late Chairman Mao Zedong during smog at Tiananmen Square. Only the silhouettes of people standing further away could be been in the photos.

A paramilitary police officer wearing a mask stands guard in front of a portrait of the late Chairman Mao Zedong during smog at Tiananmen Square. Only the silhouettes of people standing further away could be been in the photos.

But not even heavy smog can stop Chinese people from watching the daily flag-raising ceremony at Tiananmen Square even during a "red alert."

But not even heavy smog can stop Chinese people from watching the daily flag-raising ceremony at Tiananmen Square even during a "red alert."

Kids growing up here will have to deal with the longterm effects of inhaling hazardous pollution.

Kids growing up here will have to deal with the longterm effects of inhaling hazardous pollution.

The street in Shandong Province is no different than a scene from the horror movie "Silent Hill."

The street in Shandong Province is no different than a scene from the horror movie "Silent Hill."

It is painful to live under toxic fumes— the smog has affected 460 million people, a population equivalent to those of the United States, Mexico, and Canada, combined.

It is painful to live under toxic fumes— the smog has affected 460 million people, a population equivalent to those of the United States, Mexico, and Canada, combined.

Source: The Guardian

A wall depicts Beijing's impressive skyscrapers under a vivid blue sky, but the reality is a pale comparison. Scientists found the sulfate levels in Beijing's air is approaching those produced by volcanic eruptions.

A wall depicts Beijing

But life must go on. Here a mother and son bond outdoors despite a heavily polluted day in Beijing.

But life must go on. Here a mother and son bond outdoors despite a heavily polluted day in Beijing.

Not all children are so lucky. Here parents take their children to hospitals on the second straight day of a pollution alert across the country's north.

Not all children are so lucky. Here parents take their children to hospitals on the second straight day of a pollution alert across the country

Thousands of young Chinese across the country dream of living in Beijing, just as many Americans dream of making it to New York City. But in the China's capital they find themselves plagued by toxic air. One said, “You ask me why I left Beijing? It’s because I want to live.”

Thousands of young Chinese across the country dream of living in Beijing, just as many Americans dream of making it to New York City. But in the China

Source: The Guardian

People have to wear respiratory protection mask everywhere, even indoors.

People have to wear respiratory protection mask everywhere, even indoors.

And people still need to exercise, even if it risks their lung health.

And people still need to exercise, even if it risks their lung health.

This man dons a full-on respirator, much more heavy duty than the surgical masks more broadly worn throughout Asia.

This man dons a full-on respirator, much more heavy duty than the surgical masks more broadly worn throughout Asia.

These school children have to exercise indoors, but many of the schools suspended classes.

These school children have to exercise indoors, but many of the schools suspended classes.

But on special occasions, the government can get rid of the charcoal-tinted sky. The air was clear when APEC summit was held in Beijing in 2014 — a traffic ban of odd-even license plates was carried out for a better air quality.

But on special occasions, the government can get rid of the charcoal-tinted sky. The air was clear when APEC summit was held in Beijing in 2014 — a traffic ban of odd-even license plates was carried out for a better air quality.

But after APEC, when the world's attention has turned away, traffic resumed and the smog came back.

But after APEC, when the world

Beijing welcomed US President Barack Obama and his Air Force One with a slightly blue sky during the 2014 APEC summit.

Beijing welcomed US President Barack Obama and his Air Force One with a slightly blue sky during the 2014 APEC summit.

But Air China passenger planes were shrouded by heavy smog this week. Beijing Capital international airport cancelled hundreds of flights due to low visibility.

But Air China passenger planes were shrouded by heavy smog this week. Beijing Capital international airport cancelled hundreds of flights due to low visibility.

The biggest factor causing China's toxic smog: the burning of coal. As families consume coal for heating, the air quality deteriorates every winter.

The biggest factor causing China

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