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Now That Pope Benedict Has Said His Farewell, Meet The Men Who Could Be The Next Pope

Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson

Now That Pope Benedict Has Said His Farewell, Meet The Men Who Could Be The Next Pope

Cardinal Angelo Scola

Cardinal Angelo Scola

Country: Italy

Position: Archbishop of Milan

Age: 71

Likelihood: InTrade gives him good odds at 22.5%. Paddy Power also ranks him a very strong 3/1. 

What His Election Would Mean: A Church focused on re-Christianizing Europe. 

Reasons He'll Get Elected: A strong Italian bloc of voters, and his relative ease with them. His theological background is in the family issues that the Church in Europe increasingly feels must be addressed.

Reasons He Might Not Get Elected: The Cardinals no longer believe the Church is truly a European institution. 

Cardinal Marc Ouellet

Cardinal Marc Ouellet

Country: Canada

Position: Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, formerly Archbishop of Quebec. 

Age: 68

Likelihood: InTrade currently has him at 20%, and Paddy Power ranks him 7/1.

What His Election Would Mean: It's a global Church now. His work in helping to vet and select bishops would give him the ability as pope to dramatically shape the Church for a generation or more. 

Reasons He'll Get Elected: Most qualified. He speaks English, French, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish and German fluently. He has done missionary work in South America. 

Reasons He Might Not Get Elected: He might decline. (You can decline your election)  He has given every indication that papacy is a "crushing responsibility" that he would hesitate to take. Then again, that is exactly what makes him an attractive candidate. 

Cardinal Tarsicio Bertone

Cardinal Tarsicio Bertone

Country: Italy

Position: Secretary of State 

Age: 78

Likelihood: InTrade gives him a 13% chance. Paddy Power ranks him 4/1, which is a big jump from 12/1 only weeks ago. 

What His Election Would Mean: That the most skilled Vatican politician wanted to become pope before he died. 

Reasons He'll Get Elected: He is the man most responsible for appointing a large bloc of Italian elector-Cardinals, and he knows where every body is buried. 

Reasons He Might Not Get Elected: Anger and embarrassment of non-Italian Cardinals who view him as a potential scandal in the making. 

Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi

Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi

Country: Italy

Position:  President of the Pontifical Council for Culture

Age: 70

Likelihood: Paddy Power has him at 12/1. With the strengthened Italian block it could go higher. InTrade has him at only 7%.

What His Election Would Mean: That the College of Cardinals believes the pressing task for the Church is to evangelize non-believers. In this way he would be continuing Benedict’s ongoing concern about “the dictatorship of relativism” in the West.

Reasons He'll Get Elected: He’s a highly-regarded Italian.

Reasons He Might Not Get Elected: There is an obscure charge of heresy against him when he wrote of Easter morning “He [Jesus] was not raised, he arose.”  Although many popes had little pastoral experience when the reached St. Peter’s, he has almost none and it could be held against him.

Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco

Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco

Country: Italy

Position:  Archbishop of Genoa and President of the Italian Episcopal Conference

Age: 70

Likelihood: Paddy Power ranks his chances 9/1, with InTrade giving him a steady chance of 5% for the past week.

What His Election Would Mean: A determination to "re-read" the Second Vatican Council in a traditional way. 

Reasons He'll Get Elected: Benedict’s last appointments to the College of Cardinals increased the strength of the Italian bloc. Bagnasco may become their consensus choice

Reasons He Might Not Get Elected: Suspicion that a former protege of Cardinal Giuseppe Siri, the staunchly conservative former Archbishop of Genoa, would be "too-traditional" even for Catholic Church. 

Cardinal Leonardo Sandri

Cardinal Leonardo Sandri

Country: Argentina

Position:  President of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches. (He works with those Catholics who celebrate Eastern-style liturgies.)

Age: 69

Likelihood: Paddy Power has him at 14/1. He's dropped in contention quite a bit, and InTrade pegs him at only 3%.

What His Election Would Mean: That after having opened the door for Anglicans to enter into communion with Rome, the Papacy must work toward closer relations with the Eastern Orthodox Churches.

Reasons He'll Get Elected: He has extremely powerful and influential allies (and cheerleaders) within the Curia, including Cardinal Secretary of State Bertone. He speaks well in five languages.

Reasons He Might Not Get Elected: Any internal backlash against Cardinal Bertone’s influence on the coming conclave could hurt Sandri.

Cardinal Christoph Schönborn

Cardinal Christoph Schönborn

Country: Austria

Position: Archbishop of Vienna

Age: 68

Likelihood: He's moved up slightly on Paddy Power to 20/1, but InTrade only gives him a 2% chance.

What His Election Would Mean: A wish to return the Church to the papacy of John Paul II. 

Reasons He'll Get Elected: He was a persistent but not hysterical critic of the Church's handling of the pedophilia crisis. 

Reasons He Might Not Get Elected : Increasing doubts about his orthodoxy. He recently intervened in his diocese to re-install an openly homosexual man to the parish council, humiliating one of his priests. It has been noticed. And two words: Balloon Mass (see below) 


Cardinal Timothy Dolan

Cardinal Timothy Dolan

Country: United States of America

Position: Archbishop of New York

Age: 63

Likelihood: Paddy Power ranks him 33/1 to be next. He's at just 2% on InTrade.

What His Election Would Mean: He'd have one of the fastest Church careers in recent memory. From Milwaukee to St. Peter's in almost no time at all. 

Reasons He'll Get Elected: He is perceived as one of the best and most gregarious communicators in the College of Cardinals. 

Reasons He Might Not Get Elected: His youth has the potential for a long papacy, along the lines of John Paul II. Also, he would be an American in a very Italian Vatican. That's not seen as a good mix. 

Cardinal Albert Malcolm Ranjith

Cardinal Albert Malcolm Ranjith

Country: Sri Lanka

Position: Archbishop of Colombo, formerly Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments

Age: 65

Likelihood: Probably unlikely, as Paddy Power ranks his chances 50/1, and InTrade only gives him 1%.

What His Election Would Mean: Potentially a speeding up of the return of traditional liturgy in the Church. 

Reasons He'll Get Elected: The future for the Church is in Asia and the sub-continent

Reasons He Might Not Get Elected: Having left the curia, the central government of the Catholic Church, he has all but disappeared from the minds of the electors.

Cardinal Mauro Piacenza

Cardinal Mauro Piacenza

Country: Italy

Position: Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy

Age: 68

Likelihood: Only 50/1 on Paddy Power, and a 1% chance on InTrade.

What His Election Would Mean: That the Cardinals agree with his diagnosis of Europe as a "de-Christianized and that the Church needs higher quality priests." 

Reasons He'll Get Elected: He is yet another Italian who fits the mold. 

Reasons He Might Not Get Elected: Not seen as a media-figure, which seems to be a requirement of modern popes. 

Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio

Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio

Country: Argentina

Position: Archbishop of Buenos Aires

Age: 76

Likelihood: 33/1 according to Paddy Power, but not even in contention as far as InTrade is concerned.

What His Election Would Mean: Social Justice moves to the front of the Church's concerns. He'd also carry out a humble papacy. Say goodbye to Benedict's ostentation in papal clothing. 

Reasons He'll Get Elected:  Bergoglio was rumored to be the (weak) second place finisher in the conclave of 2005. 

Reasons He Might Not Get Elected: His "moment" seems to be over. 

Cardinal George Pell

Cardinal George Pell

Country: Australia

Position: Archbishop of Sydney

Age: 70

Likelihood: Paddy Power pegs his odds at 50/1, which seems very low to us, as it underestimates how well known and well-regarded he is among the Cardinals. No rank from InTrade. 

What His Election Would Mean: A continuation of the direction for the Church established by Benedict, but with superior skills in the media. He's also likely to continue Benedict's extreme slow motion return to Traditional liturgy. 

Reasons He'll Get Elected: He fits the mold of building social and political alliances in an ecumenical fashion, while holding firm to orthodox doctrine and practice. 

Reasons He Might Not Get Elected: Like Pope Benedict XVI, he is a vocal supporter of the reconciliation of the Society of St. Pius X, a traditionalist group whose bishops were excommunicated in 1988. Since that effort has been seen as a source of embarrassment to Benedict, the Cardinals may skip him.

Cardinal Antonio Cañizares Llovera

Cardinal Antonio Cañizares Llovera

Country: Italy

Position: Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, previously Archbishop of Toledo

Age: 67

Likelihood: Paddy Power says 66/1, a big ranking loss from only weeks ago. InTrade didn't even give him a grade.

What His Election Would Mean: He is known as "Little Ratzinger", so his election would signal continuity and satisfaction with Ratzinger's slow and methodical "re-traditionalizing" of Catholic worship. 

Reasons He'll Get Elected: To signal continuity. The fact that Ratzinger has resigned makes Llovera a more attractive candidate than he would have been had Benedict died.

Reasons He Might Not Get Elected: Not a strong personality; and a lingering unhappiness with Benedict's liturgical reforms. 

Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera

Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera

Country: Mexico

Position: Archbishop of Mexico City

Age: 71

Likelihood: Paddy Power 66/1 and holding steady. Nothing for him on InTrade.

What His Election Would Mean: The ascendancy of Latin America in the Church. 

Reasons He'll Get Elected: He's fearless. He criticized corruption in the Mexican government so thoroughly that the president considered a law that would ban priests from discussing politics publicly. 

Reasons He Might Not Get Elected:  Hesitation about his strong "social justice" message.

Cardinal Angelo Amato

Cardinal Angelo Amato

Country: Italy

Position:  Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, formerly Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

Age: 74

Likelihood: Paddy Power gives him 80/1 odds, but our thinking is that any Italian between 65-75 in the curia or a major diocese has a fair shot. Doesn't get a rank from InTrade.

What His Election Would Mean: Another intellectual papacy, in the mold of Benedict XVI

Reasons He'll Get Elected: He has the perfect resume. he has served in several Vatican offices, done ecumenical work with Orthodox Christians, and has all the right views. 

Reasons He Might Not Get Elected: Another Italian. 

Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe

Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe

Country: Italy

Position: Archbishop of Naples

Age: 69

Likelihood: He's a longshot on Paddy Power, which gives him 100/1. No ranking from InTrade.

What His Election Would Mean: That the Cardinals want a long-term steward of the Church, rather than an innovator (John Paul II) or an intellectual. 

Reasons He'll Get Elected: He's a non-controversial Italian candidate with experience pastoring in South America. Great resume. 

Reasons He Might Not Get Elected: He is not well known outside of the curia. Not a "star."

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