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  4. Trump's council to re-open the US economy appears to be another conflicting voice in what is already a badly muddled coronavirus response

Trump's council to re-open the US economy appears to be another conflicting voice in what is already a badly muddled coronavirus response

Tom Porter,Tom Porter   

Trump's council to re-open the US economy appears to be another conflicting voice in what is already a badly muddled coronavirus response
  • President Trump announced on Friday the formation of a new body he called the "opening our country council," to include top minds from, medicine, business and economics.
  • Adding a new center of power could further confuse an already muddled federal response to the crisis.
  • There are already two White House teams leading the response to the crisis, one led by Vice President Mike Pence and another unofficial one involving Jared Kushner.
  • Federal government officials have said that it is often unclear who is in charge of the government response.
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At Friday's coronavirus task force briefing, President Trump announced plans to gather some of the best business and medical minds in America to focus on a single key question: When to re-open the US economy.

"I don't know that I've had a bigger decision, but I'm going to surround myself with the greatest minds - not only the greatest minds, but the greatest minds in numerous different businesses, including the business of politics and reason, and we're going to make a decision," the president said during the briefing.

"Hopefully it's going to be the right decision. I will say this - I want to get it open as soon as we can. We have to get our country open."

But as the days have passed, it is still unclear precisely what part the council will play, and who will sit on it.

On Monday, Trump denied reports that his daughter, Ivanka Trump, would sit on the council. According to NBC News, the council would be led by White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, alongside several Trump administration cabinet officials as well as top economics advisers.

Adding another team to those that already exist to address the crisis could simply heap confusion has been a muddled response to the crisis, more fragmented than those of other nations.

Vice President Mike Pence leads the existing coronavirus task force, where he is advised by experts such as Dr Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and Dr Sarah Birx, the White House response coordinator.

The task force has gathered information on the scale of the crisis, and sought to deliver clear public health messaging on what measures people should take to avoid infection.

In addition to this is a group involving the president's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, dubbed the "shadow task force."

Staffed by allies of Kushner and individuals recruited from the private sector, it is charged with ensuring that key medical equipment gets to front-line medical staff and boosting testing capabilities.

Jared Kushner

Already, reports have documented the chaos generated by the existence of two response teams.

Politico reported Monday that there is already uncertainty over who is responsible for key aspects of the coronavirus response, and who exactly is in charge.

According to The New York Times, some officials fear voicing opposition to Kushner, given his status as a member of Trump's immediate family.

They say the federal response has been mired by infighting, turf wars, and the slow response of a president more focused on media coverage than the details of policy.

The US is not the only country to have struggled in its response to the virus, but does appear to have been more dysfunctional than most.

Italy and Spain, which now have Europe's highest death tolls, at first introduced lockdowns in a piecemeal way, and saw infections soar.

But they later brought in tough, centralized measures and in recent weeks have seen the infection rate curve flatten. Spain on Monday began easing its lockdown restrictions.

The UK was also slow to react, but infections are expected to peak this week after imposing a centralized lockdown, enforced by repeated and consistent messaging.

Trump, though, has resisted using his presidential pulpit to compel governors to impose lockdowns, and the US response has been slow and uncoordinated.

The US currently has the highest number of cases and deaths in the world.

Adding another council to the mix, with its attendant committees, subcommittees, and rivalries, could just make things worse.

It seems inevitable that Pence's team, and health experts urging caution, will at some point clash with business-focused members of the new council, eager for lockdown to be lifted.

"It doesn't work if you bring in the hallelujah chorus," Thea Lee, president of the Economic Policy Institute, a left-leaning Washington think tank, told the Associated Press.

But setting up rival teams and letting them battle it out for supremacy has long been part of Trump's management style. It's a method familiar from his stint as host of reality show "The Apprentice."

Defenders of the president say that allowing business leaders and economics experts a clear and independent center of power in the White House means that the president will be getting the best information and advice possible.

"The more voices President Trump hears from, the better," Dan Eberhart, an energy executive and Trump donor told Politico. "Big industry and the financial sector are important to the economy and they have the president's ear."

But during a pandemic, when speed, coordination and clarity of message are key, the gladiatorial style favored by the president can cost precious time, and send out confused and mixed messages.

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