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Labour members told us whether they think Jeremy Corbyn should stay or go

Corbyn has "the most progressive stance of any politician in the two main parties right now"

Labour members told us whether they think Jeremy Corbyn should stay or go

I feel now that no matter how well Corbyn does, it won't be reported positively

I feel now that no matter how well Corbyn does, it won

Claire Heafford, 35, is an artist:

"I'm not yet sure who I'll vote for in the leadership contest. I voted for Corbyn last time round - but it has been a tricky year for him, so I feel like it is time for a re-think. One the one-hand I think Corbyn has done a good job — the reality of his achievements statistically with regards to elections have actually been good over the past year."

"On the other hand the mainstream media refuse to report these achievements as positive steps forward for the party. The narrative is that he is failing. The reality is that no election can be won without mainstream media support and I feel now that no matter how well Corbyn does, it won't be reported positively.

"Additionally he just doesn't go down well with Middle England let alone the post-industrial areas that are now of such concern moving on from the referendum - so for these reasons I'm considering voting for an alternative to Corbyn.

"The issue is that the alternative leaders currently being presented are laughable. Angel Eagle and Tom Watson are just not viable. The best suggestions I've heard so far have come from Stephen Kinnock on the week in parliament on Sunday night. He talked about the need for some sort of coalition. I think he was speaking with regards to the negotiating team needed to sort out Brexit — but I like the idea of him leading a coalition of Momentum reps and Blarites."

Corbyn "hasn’t got the personality or the conviction of a leader"

Corbyn "hasn’t got the personality or the conviction of a leader"

Alastair Brunsdon, 21, is a student and is working for the local government in pensions as well:

"I won’t be voting for Corbyn. I didn’t vote for him in the leadership election last year either. He hasn’t got the personality or the conviction of a leader. When I was helping out for the local elections I got the sense of 'I would vote for Labour, but not for Corbyn in a General Election.' I don’t dislike Corbyn as an MP, but as a leader I can’t support him."

"Corbyn got off to a very shaky start with the media barrage against him, but hasn’t managed to use the media to his advantage, which is a main source of reaching out to the electorate, instead just choosing to blame them for misquotes and being anti-Corbyn. He has improved in taking a central role but never managed to get the unity often giving gifts to the opposition to use against the whole party.

"Sadiq Khan won London, not Corbyn. The local elections, although not a massive failure, were still not a good result and haven’t improved Labour’s chances of winning a General Election. His euroscepticism has worked against him and it is likely he secretly voted to leave as he was never involved enough in the campaign to make a difference. Even John McDonnell did more to help the campaign."

Corbyn best represents the socialist views that impassioned me to become involved with the Labour movement

Corbyn best represents the socialist views that impassioned me to become involved with the Labour movement

Robert Maisey, 27, Studio Technician, Unite Member:

"I believe Corbyn best represents the socialist views that impassioned me to become involved with the Labour movement. He represents the heart that Labour has lost and is doing a good job of focusing the minds of the members, parliamentary party, and the entire country on what they want the Labour movement to stand for.

"Ultimately I am a Labour Party member and a socialist, not a cultist. While Corbyn remains the person who best represents me and my views I will campaign for him heart and soul. While the rest of the Parliamentary Labour Party (PLP) are attacking my values I will vote against them in internal elections. That doesn't mean, if the party started to come together around its core socialist values, I wouldn't be happy to see others step up.

"On the EU — I think Corbyn had the best position of any party leader that was most in keeping with the national mood. Not passionate about the EU, and very aware of its flaws. Ultimately though, he was anti-racist and aware of the needs of the young and voted remain because it would be worse for people to leave, not because the EU was so great. That's the truth. Any 100% argument this way or that way would have been a lie.

"I think Corbyn will win the coup. Labour members will not be bullied and any attempt to coerce them or cut them out of the argument will make them and Corbyn stronger. The establishment as a whole can't see that taking power out of people's hands has stopped working. That's why they were so shocked when the nation voted 'Leave.'"

I was very aware Corbyn needed a better team around him from the beginning

I was very aware Corbyn needed a better team around him from the beginning

Ben Ferguson, 49, a Sixth Form sociology and politics teacher and a self-described "lifelong social democrat, feminist, and environmentalist:"

"I voted for Corbyn last year as a subsidiary member for £3. I liked his idealism. But I was very aware he needed a better team around him from the beginning.

"Corbyn has made some divisive/questionable appointments. Ken Livingstone comes to mind. But others such as appointing McDonnell as Shadow Chancellor. He has also raised esoteric issues such as 'Trident' when it then created further division when instead Labour could have been focusing on core issues. Trident could have been delayed and put on a back burner.

"To compound his problems he has inherited a PLP which has been very divided on his leadership and with many senior MPs having no shame/common sense and who have openly briefed against him/warred openly e.g. when Livingstone was confronted publicly in front of the cameras. They have been shooting far too many own goals. I am all for debate. And honest disagreement. But the PLP know that the tabloid media want this and want Labour to fail thus such behaviour is suicidal for the Labour Party if it wants to get into power. In my opinion, such MPs should be deselected.

"Corbyn knew he had a monumental task in uniting the PLP behind him. It's still early days but so far it has been a disaster. The recent leak of emails about Corbyn's team dragging their heels on the Brexit vote was probably the last straw for many.

"Labour needs a leader who has the social democratic credentials of John Smith and with the media savvy skills of Blair in his pomp. Is there such a potential leader out there? Not sure!"

I will pay a membership fee to vote for Corbyn, and bin it if he loses

I will pay a membership fee to vote for Corbyn, and bin it if he loses

G [name withheld], 26, unemployed marketing graduate:

"I will pay a membership fee to vote for Corbyn, and bin [my membership] if he loses."

"I don't think he is a secretive type of politician. If he says he supports the EU by 70%, then I believe it. I doubt most of the 'Remain' camp would say everything in the EU is perfect, so that's fine."

"However, I don't think Corbyn can see off a convincing Tory candidate at the ballot box. I don't think a backstabbing Blairite can do any better either. So I'll take the [leadership candidate] I actually like and respect, thanks."

Corbyn's "vigour for 'Remain' had the enthusiasm of a hostage situation"


Chris Ward, 32, senior mobile developer and company director:

"I'm not voting for Corbyn for a number of reasons. Firstly, the way he and his cabal conducted themselves during the EU referendum campaign - arguably the most important campaign in my lifetime - was appalling. His vigour for Remain had the enthusiasm of a hostage situation and I do not personally believe he even wanted the UK to remain in the EU.

"The second issue is that we undoubtedly have a general election coming up. If Boris Johnson wins the Tory leadership, for him to then not validate his leadership with the country would be in direct conflict with the nonsense he spouted during the EU referendum campaign about democratic accountability.

"If and when that happens, Labour needs a strong challenger. Corbyn is not that person."

I'd rather have a decent human being at the helm instead a of corporate puppet


Laura Streets, 29, works in digital marketing:

"I support Corbyn because he cares about people more than big business."

"I don't really care if Corbyn voted to leave the EU, it's happening now regardless so I'd rather have a decent human being at the helm instead a of corporate puppet. Good riddance Blairites, get in the sea."

Corbyn is " is fantastic MP, public servant and honest, principled human being" but "I won't be voting for him"

Corbyn is " is fantastic MP, public servant and honest, principled human being" but "I won

R [name withheld], 33, work in digital media:

"I didn't vote for Corbyn last time because I didn't believe he could appeal to the centre ground voters that you need to win a general election under 'First Past the Post.' When he was elected, I was fine with it. It was very much a case of 'fair enough, let's get stuck in.' In a way it was refreshing. My head had said 'he can't win a General Election' but my heart wanted to stand for the ideals he was so passionate about."

"I respect him for his stance in the referendum campaign. He couldn't very well still be a man of principle if he had come out all doolally for 'Remain,' so he set out his stance in an honest way.

"Whether that impacted the result of the referendum, I don't know. I see some polls saying that about the same percentage of Labour voters were 'Remain' as in Scotland — so I don't think you can count that a failure on his part.

"That being said, in a leadership election, I won't be voting for him. He's a fantastic MP, public servant and honest, principled human being - but I don't see the vast majority of Leave voters turning out to vote for him."

I joined the Labour Party for the first time this week with the express intent of voting for Jeremy Corbyn

I joined the Labour Party for the first time this week with the express intent of voting for Jeremy Corbyn

Libby Guthrie, 25, is a TV professional:

"I joined the Labour Party for the first time this week with the express intent of voting for Jeremy Corbyn in the event of a leadership contest.

"I think it's frankly disgusting that so many members of the party have decided to use the referendum result and subsequent upheaval as an excuse to further their own agendas.

"Corbyn won the leadership contest in September by a clear majority through a fair democratic process. The 'No Confidence' vote is completely irrelevant - Corbyn will continue to lead."

Corbyn is an inspiring example of someone living with ethical conviction

Corbyn is an inspiring example of someone living with ethical conviction

H [name withheld], 29, works for the education sector and is a union member at Unison:

"I grew up in a proud Labour household feeling sure of my ethics and political beliefs. By the time I was old enough to vote I already felt fully let down by the Labour party (marched against the Iraq war as a teenager and felt completely detached from Blair’s Labour party).

"I joined and supported the Green Party and always split my votes between Green and Labour. I finally feel able to be a proud Labour member. I feel like Corbyn represents a true alternative to the Tories and is an inspiring example of someone living with ethical conviction and commitment to contribute to change and fighting for social justice.

"People have a right to ask questions about the EU and our involvement. People should have opinions about such things and if I wasn’t already so thoroughly depressed by the way the referendum promise was used as a means to buy UKIP supporters votes for the Tories, I would have been happy to use it as an opportunity to educate myself further and really consider complex issues that I have previously ignored.

"But as it was all the energy I could muster had to be used solely on countering a Leave campaign fuelled by exploitation of fear and ignorance; a call for ‘Independence’ as a right-wing nationalist movement.

"Only alternative name I’ve heard so far is Angela Eagle, and since she voted in favour of Iraq invasion, Syrian airstrikes and renewal of Trident I already feel sure she does not represent me."

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