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Inside America's most famous residential address

Amanda Macias   

Inside America's most famous residential address
Politics3 min read

White House


1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

The most public of private residences is a fortified command center for nearly 17,000 employees and is the home of the most powerful person in the world. The 223-year-old White House, boasts 6 levels, 132 rooms, 35 bathrooms, 412 doors, 28 fireplaces, and requires 570 gallons of paint to cover its outside surface.

Here is an infographic of the White House republished with permission from Around the World: An Atlas for Today.

The following text is reprinted from the infographic:

A. The President's Room

President's Room

Flickr/The White House

President Barack Obama holds a working dinner with multiple leaders in the President's Room of the White House, Sept. 1, 2010.

In the past, the room was used as a workplace for secretaries or the President himself. Today the room is used as a dining room.

B. The Oval Office

obama white house oval office

Flickr/The White House

This view of the President reading briefing material was taken with a remote camera set up on the mantel above the fireplace in the Oval Office on Aug. 29, 2014.

Probably the most famous room of the White House. The Oval Office, which is located in the West Wing, is the main workplace of the President. The windows are made of bullet-proof glass. Each President may redecorate the room as he wishes.

C. The Cabinet Room

obama cabinet room white house

Flickr/The White House

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden hold a meeting with Combatant Commanders and Military Leadership in the Cabinet Room of the White House, Nov. 12, 2013.

The US President meets with his ministers in this room. The sessions are rarely held in the White House. The President sits always at the middle of the table, the Vice President sits in the Oval Office directly opposite him.

D. Blue Room

blue room white house obama

Flickr/The White House

President Barack Obama looks at a portrait of President James Madison while waiting in the Blue Room of the White House prior to his press conference in the East Room, Feb. 9, 2009.

The Blue Room - blue upholstery, blue curtains, and blue carpets. This oval-shaped room has stayed the same color since 1837. Traditionally, the President greets state visitors and congress representatives here.

E. East Room

obama white house east room

Flickr/The White House

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama host a concert honoring singer-songwriter Carole King in the East Room of the White House, May 22, 2013.

The large banqueting hall in the White House is reserved for large events, such as gala evening, state receptions, balls and, since the Kennedy administration, also to a greater extent for concerts.

F. Office of the First Lady

michelle obama office

The White House

First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Jill Biden answering questions for kid reporters from Highlights, NatGeoKids, Scholastic, and Time For Kids on January 19, 2013.

This office in the East Wing is usually occupied by the wife of the President. Until now there has been only one exception: Hillary Clinton chose to occupy an office in teh West Wing, the power center of the White House.

Infographic republished with permission from Around the World: An Atlas for Today published by Gestalten.

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