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The Grand Lodge of England, the founding building of Freemasonry in 1717.
Despite nearing 300 years of activity, the Freemasons remain mysterious, with many of their records destroyed naturally by time. But a few member lists survived - and they name some of the most influential people throughout history.
Anyone can petition to become a member, but prospects must put their faith in a Supreme Being. The members believe in "truth, tolerance, respect, and freedom." Once limited to white men, now any nationality or race can join. However, African-American freemaons have split into their own sect called the Prince Hall Freemasons. And women technically still can't join, but many modern lodges allow them.
Although somewhat secret, most scholars agree the hierarchy of Freemasonry includes 33 degrees. Freemasons begin as Entered Apprentices and can work their way all the way to Sovereign Grand Inspector General.
We listed 17 members, living and dead, who took the solemn vow.
Eric Goldschein contributed research to this article.