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  5. Trump joins Mitch McConnell in bashing Rick Scott's Social Security and Medicare plans, telling him to 'be careful': 'THERE WILL BE NO CUTS!'

Trump joins Mitch McConnell in bashing Rick Scott's Social Security and Medicare plans, telling him to 'be careful': 'THERE WILL BE NO CUTS!'

Ayelet Sheffey   

Trump joins Mitch McConnell in bashing Rick Scott's Social Security and Medicare plans, telling him to 'be careful': 'THERE WILL BE NO CUTS!'
  • Donald Trump bashed Sen. Rick Scott's plans to sunset Social Security and Medicare on Truth Social.
  • This was a rare agreement with McConnell, who recently called Scott's plan a "bad idea."

Former President Donald Trump and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell may not see eye to eye on many things, but one thing they can both agree on: Republicans should keep their hands off of Social Security and Medicare.

Once Republicans took control over the House, the looming issue became raising the debt ceiling, and what spending cuts the GOP wanted in exchange for ensuring the US doesn't go into default. While Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, and his colleagues, were firm that cuts to Social Security and Medicare are "off the table," Democrats still pointed to some GOP lawmakers' past comments looking to cut spending on those two programs as reason to believe they might be included in negotiations.

GOP Sen. Rick Scott, in particular, became a target for President Joe Biden. Scott introduced a 12-point plan last year that included sunsetting all federal programs, including Social Security and Medicare, every five years, meaning Congress would have to repeatedly act to renew the programs that millions of Americans rely on.

While Scott said his only goal is to strengthen the programs, Biden has criticized it on numerous occasions, and McConnell even recently called it a "bad idea."

"That was the Scott plan. That's not a Republican plan," McConnell said.

Trump, who has bashed heads with McConnell in the past, agrees.

"Bad news for Senator Rick Scott of Florida! Club for NO Growth just announced they are going to back him, and without my backing them, an Endorsement from them is the kiss of death," Trump wrote on Truth Social on Wednesday night, referring to the Club for Growth, a conservative economic group that recently endorsed Scott's plans.

"Be careful, Rick, and most importantly, fight for Social Security and Medicare," Trump wrote. "THERE WILL BE NO CUTS!"

Trump has previously expressed his belief that Social Security and Medicare should be preserved. Before McCarthy made clear that he was not considering cutting the programs, Trump said in a video message in January directed toward House Republicans that "under no circumstances should Republicans vote to cut a single penny from Medicare or Social Security."

"Cut waste, fraud and abuse everywhere that we can find it and there is plenty, there's plenty of it," he continued. "But do not cut the benefits our seniors worked for and paid for their entire lives. Save Social Security, don't destroy it."

The Congressional Budget Office released a report on Wednesday that estimated the government could run out of money to pay its bills as soon as July, meaning Republicans have to act before then to reach a debt ceiling deal. McCarthy said he hopes to continue negotiating with Biden on the issue, but Biden has maintained that raising the debt ceiling should be a bipartisan deal without conditions, not a bargaining chip.

"Some of our Republican friends in the house were talking about taking the economy hostage over the full faith and credit of the United States," Biden said during a Wednesday speech on lowering the deficit. "They say, unless I accept their economic plans, which is totally irresponsible, they're not going to pay the national debt."

"I will not negotiate whether or not we pay our debt," Biden said. "I will not allow this nation to fail."

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