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  5. The White House blasts Republicans' budget plans, saying they want to slash Social Security and Medicare and 'force seniors to pay even higher drug costs so Big Pharma can fill more swimming pools with caviar and diamonds'

The White House blasts Republicans' budget plans, saying they want to slash Social Security and Medicare and 'force seniors to pay even higher drug costs so Big Pharma can fill more swimming pools with caviar and diamonds'

Juliana Kaplan,Ayelet Sheffey   

The White House blasts Republicans' budget plans, saying they want to slash Social Security and Medicare and 'force seniors to pay even higher drug costs so Big Pharma can fill more swimming pools with caviar and diamonds'
  • The White House blasted Republicans' proposed deficit-reducing cuts in a fiery memo.
  • They said the GOP wants to slash earned benefits and hand out tax cuts for the wealthy.

Republicans may be clinging to their gas stoves, but the White House is turning up the heat ahead of what's sure to be a fiery budget season.

In a memo, White House deputy press secretary and senior communications adviser Andrew Bates blasted Republicans' plans for cutting the deficit — a priority among the right as they try to claw back government spending and slash programs in negotiations over funding the federal government by the end of September.

For instance, the Republican Study Committee released a report on spending priorities and reforms that would, among other measures, adjust the Social Security retirement age. Specifically, it proposed making "modest changes" to the benefit formula for those who are not near retirement, along with adjustments to the retirement age for "future retirees to account for increases in life expectancy," per the report.

"We will not now or ever support cutting or delaying retirement benefits for any senior in or near retirement," it said.

It's one of the GOP proposals floating around to cut spending on a range of Democratic priorities. Last month, Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee released a series of bills to fund federal agencies through 2024, and they included funding well below what Biden requested in his own budget.

For example, the Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Bill would provide $147 billion for programs within those agencies, which is $60 billion below the 2023 enacted level and $73 billion below Biden's budget request.

Bates wrote that Republicans want to slash earned benefit programs and give tax breaks to corporations and the wealthy. Deficit reduction, and how to do it, are likely to be a battleground when Congress reconvenes and attempts to head-off a potential shutdown over a lack of government funding.

"Again, congressional Republicans claim to be champing at the bit to have a debate about deficits. In other words, they want to shine even more of a spotlight on their devotion to wealthy special interests above all else," Bates wrote. "On their plans to eviscerate Medicare and Social Security benefits while spending trillions on tax handouts to the rich and big corporations, and force seniors to pay even higher drug costs so Big Pharma can fill more swimming pools with caviar and diamonds. We'll book them on TV ourselves if it's helpful!"

Bates pointed to Biden's proposals to slash deficits by nearly $3 trillion, which included levying a minimum tax on billionaires and hiking corporate taxes. Republicans immediately slammed that March plan as unserious and a "roadmap to fiscal ruin."

Monday marked the 88th anniversary of the Social Security program, and many Democratic lawmakers took to X, formerly Twitter, to call on Congress to preserve the program and ensure Americans relying on the benefits will continue to receive them.

"Today is the 88th anniversary of Social Security! This program is a lifeline for millions of seniors, providing a baseline of support that's earned over a lifetime," California Sen. Alex Padilla said. "While the GOP tries to cut its funding, Democrats are committed to protecting Social Security for all Americans."

While Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy vowed to leave Social Security and Medicare cuts off the table in the bill to raise the debt ceiling, he told Fox News in June after the bill was signed into law that it "isn't the end," and more cuts will be necessary.

"The majority driver of the budget is mandatory spending," he said. "It's Medicare, Social Security, interest on the debt."

McCarthy said he would be looking at forming a commission to reduce the nation's debt, and while he has not said Social Security and Medicare will be the target of cuts, his remarks suggest it's something he's considering. Sen. Ron Wyden, top lawmaker on the Senate Finance Committee, told AP News that the idea of a commission is "a prescription for trouble. They're looking at a glide path to reduce benefits."

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