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  5. The oldest Gen Alphas can almost drive: Here's how millennials' kids will shop, work, and live

The oldest Gen Alphas can almost drive: Here's how millennials' kids will shop, work, and live

The oldest Gen Alphas can almost drive: Here's how millennials' kids will shop, work, and live
Gen Alpha is poised to be a huge economic force.Elena Popova/Getty Images
  • Gen Alpha is set to be the largest generation in history, and more diverse than past generations.
  • Their parents want them to pursue higher education, and they'll probably be lifelong learners.

If you've found yourself mystified by a new meme, or swarmed by pre-teens at Sephora, you might have experienced the whirlwind that is Generation Alpha.

The last of Generation Alpha will be born in 2024, and their generation started in 2010 — making the oldest Gen Alphas 14 this year. As they grow older, they're poised to disrupt the world and economy, and their reach will be felt worldwide.

So who is Gen Alpha? They're somewhere past being digitally native, with the internet existing as just a fact of life. They're the children who will be shaped by remote work and will structure their lives around mobility. And even though they're still kids, they're already having an outsized impact on the economy and culture around them.

After all, just look at how many of them there are: Mark McCrindle, a social researcher who coined the term "Gen Alpha," said that Gen Alphas comprise almost two billion people globally. That makes them the largest generation in history, according to McCrindle — and one that's wholly different in how they interact with the world.

Gen Alpha is diverse, college-bound, and all about flexibility

Gen Alpha is diverse, college-bound, and all about flexibility
Gen Alpha parents want their kids to head to college.      Mark Wilson

There are around 51 million members of Gen Alpha in the US alone. And Gen Alpha is set to be more diverse than the rest of the country. That's already a seismic shift: While just over half of Gen Zers are white in the US, Gen Alpha will mark the first generation where less than half the generation's population is white. About a quarter of Gen Alpha is Hispanic, and nearly 13% are Black.

Meanwhile, 70% of Gen Alpha parents in the US are millennials; just 8% are adult Gen Zers. Their parents are also fairly politically split: 35% are Independents, while 34% are Democrats and 31% are Republicans, according to a Morning Consult report that surveyed around 4,000 parents in three waves throughout December 2022.

Gen Alphas may continue their millennial parents' pursuit of higher education if their parents have any say: Among parents with kids under the age of 18, Gen Alpha's parents want their kids to head to college more. Three-quarters of Gen Alpha parents want their kids to go to an in-state public university; 50% say they want their kids at a for-profit private university. And those parents are more likely to say that they — or their family members — are planning to help fund higher education.

That might be good news for colleges contending with dropping enrollment and fewer undergraduates, especially as Gen Z eschews college.

And Gen Alpha may also be a generation defined by flexibility, especially as the most "global" generation. Gen Alpha is connected to the rest of the world in ways previous generations probably couldn't have fathomed, from technology to watching work and school suddenly be doable anywhere.

"Mobility defines them in terms of where they will work and travel. They're not starting families until later. They won't own homes until later, if at all. And that just creates greater mobility for them in their lifestyles," McCrindle said.

McCrindle estimates that, based on current shifts in job churn, members of Gen Alpha will see six separate careers across 18 employers in their lifetime. That means Gen Alpha will be lifelong learners, who probably work later in life as both longevity booms and knowledge work becomes more prevalent.

Gen Alpha already knows how to spend, and they’re ready to do so

Gen Alpha already knows how to spend, and they’re ready to do so
Members of Gen Alpha have a global marketplace at their fingertips.      SeventyFour/Getty Images

For older generations, after school spending may have looked like being handed a $20, or carrying around a baggie of coins from allowances or odd tasks. For Gen Alpha, it might just be as simple as tapping their phone, or clicking "purchase" on Roblox.

When it comes to buying stuff, the world is Gen Alpha's oyster: They interact with a global marketplace.

"Every product of every country is available to them within a few clicks in their pocket," McCrindle said.

That's already making them a formidable economic force. Bain and Company estimates that Gen Z and Gen Alpha will see their spending on personal luxury goods grow rapidly, outpacing other generations threefold; they're estimated to make up a third of that market by 2030. The parents surveyed by Morning Consult say their kids are influencing what subscription services they buy, and a third of Gen Alpha parents said they were traveling somewhere because their kids asked about the destination — which they, of course, learned about from either peers or media.

Gen Alpha's digital lives have also meant a recalibration of what goods are valuable. Think of the money they spend on virtual items or customizations in games like Fortnite.

"They don't make the same distinction between a real-world tangible purchase fashion item and then an intangible one," McCrindle said. "Both are of value to them."

McCrindle said that their influence extends far beyond the size of the generation, especially as brands try to figure out how to tap the $5.46 trillion economic footprint they're set to have by 2029. Their earlier influence over purchasing decisions — and ability to buy stuff easily — might be undergirding the hordes of 10-year-olds taking over Sephora.

At the end of the day, though, while members of Gen Alpha might be part of a particularly distinct generation with real challenges ahead of them, they remain hopeful.

"We have found in our research that they, like most young people, bring a sense of optimism around the future, even though a lot of their parents' generation and adults in our research are pessimistic about the future — we hear a lot of people saying, 'oh, I'm glad I'm not young today,'" McCrindle said. "It's a tough world to grow up in, but for this generation, they're excited about their world and about their future. This is the only time they've ever known."

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