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High-earning, workaholic men are cutting their work hours the most right now

Jason Lalljee   

High-earning, workaholic men are cutting their work hours the most right now
  • A recent study found that the average workweek in the US has dropped more than half an hour since 2020.
  • Young men changing their relationship with work played a major role.

The last few years have changed how many Americans approach their relationship with work, including how much they work.

In fact, the average workweek in the US has dropped more than half an hour over the last three years, according to a recently published Brookings Institution study. Although half an hour may not seem like much, it adds up to a "shortfall" of close to 2.4 million workers, in terms of overall workplace productivity, according to the researchers.

Three groups in particular have been scaling back from work, according to researchers who recently conducted a similar study for the National Bureau of Economic Research. At a conference last week, Yongseok Shin, a Washington University in St. Louis professor who worked on the study, said those groups are educated young men, high-earning men, and men who previously worked the most hours. The NBER study used survey data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics between 2007 and 2022.

That's pretty much exclusively true of white workers, the Brookings researchers point out, with Hispanic and Black workers "participating" in work more or at the same level they did in 2019. That's even as workers of color cited having a greater fear of workplace COVID exposure than their white peers.

"To the extent that COVID concerns are in fact generally greater among groups where a larger percent of people are out of the labor force because of them, though, it may be that the necessity of working—and the opportunity to do so in a very tight labor market—has pushed people in some groups that on average have more limited resources back into the labor market despite real health concerns," Brookings' researchers said of the study, which examined BLS data between 2019-2022.

American Bar Association data shows that COVID-19 has widened disparities for workers of color in particular, largely due to the industries that they work in. As the Brookings researchers suggest, white workers' greater access to higher paying jobs likely makes shortening their workweeks out of work-life balance concerns more possible.

A re-examination of work-life balance is also likely at play, the researchers speculate — that's as phenomena like the "Great Resignation" and "quiet quitting" have transformed the workforce over the last few years. And amid all the quitting and cutting back, overall worker productivity in the economy has fallen at its fastest rate in four decades.

Educated young men are taking advantage of workplace flexibility and working less

The NBER economists found that high-earning men with degrees are leading the charge to clock in fewer hours.

"We think these highly-educated, hard-working high-earners are cutting back on hours for better work-life balance, which is the crux of the Quiet Quitting phenomena," Shin told Insider in January.

It contrasts with another important trend for young men in the workforce: even though educated, highly paid men are working fewer hours, they're still working. Their peers without degrees, however, have been quitting in droves, fueling the departure of men from the workforce overall. Those men don't want to work harder when they're only limited opportunities for pay growth, something that's more in reach for their peers with some sort of degree or vocational training.

"The more you learn, the more you earn," Jason Schenker, president of Prestige Economics, an economic forecaster, told Insider in December.

High-earners are cutting down

High-earners cut their workweek by 1.5 hours on average, Shin said last month, confirming for Insider that "high earners" are those making at least $100,000 a year.

Having access to remote and hybrid work opportunities likely convinced men making more money that they didn't need to work so hard, Shin said.

Last year, a 39-year-old remote worker making $119,000 a year at a data-sharing and analysis company told Insider that he opted out of searching for higher-paying work because he preferred remote flexibility. Specifically, he said that he likes being able to shave off hours of his work week if he needs to, taking his mother to the doctor, for instance.

"That kind of flexibility is honestly life-changing," he said.

Men who previously worked 55-hour weeks are paring back

In the NBER study, Shin said, men in the "top hours decile" reduced their hours from 55 hours per week in 2019 to 52 in 2022.

The rest of the workforce only saw a decrease of about half an hour, showing that the change was more dramatic for workaholics than the rest of the workforce.

It echoes the themes of many Great Resignation stories, with the added finding that those stories have been resonating with men in particular.

"I think too many men don't want to say they are overloaded or have too much on their plate," an Australian engineer who asked his employers to cut his work hours told Insider. The engineer, who asked to remain anonymous, ended up leaving his job after seeing no changes at his workplace.

"I think men have bigger egos and don't want to look weak, and unfortunately, companies use this to their advantage," he said.

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