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  5. Biden should speed up the process for canceling student debt broadly for millions of borrowers and get it done by early next year, 87 Democratic lawmakers say

Biden should speed up the process for canceling student debt broadly for millions of borrowers and get it done by early next year, 87 Democratic lawmakers say

Ayelet Sheffey   

Biden should speed up the process for canceling student debt broadly for millions of borrowers and get it done by early next year, 87 Democratic lawmakers say
  • It's been a year since Biden announced his first plan to cancel student debt broadly.
  • On Thursday, 87 Democratic lawmakers urged him to get relief to borrowers by early 2024.

It's been a year since President Joe Biden announced his plan for broad student-loan forgiveness — and nearly 100 Democratic lawmakers said it's time borrowers see that relief.

On Thursday, 87 Democratic lawmakers, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and Reps. Ayanna Pressley and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, sent a letter to Biden urging him to cancel student debt for millions of borrowers by early next year. After the Supreme Court struck down the president's first plan to cancel up to $20,000 in student debt for federal borrowers at the end of June, his administration announced it would be taking a different route for relief using the Higher Education Act of 1965.

However, the law requires Biden to go through the negotiated rulemaking process, which could take at least a year — and the lawmakers want to ensure that it moves as quickly as possible so borrowers do not have to wait any longer.

"We are extremely disappointed and concerned that the Supreme Court substituted politics for the rule of law to deny as many as 43 million hard working Americans life-changing relief from crushing student loan debt," they said. "In the wake of this outrageous decision, we appreciate your announcement initiating a rulemaking under the Higher Education Act of 1965 to deliver on debt relief and write to urge you to swiftly carry out your commitment to working and middle class families, and cancel student debt by early 2024."

After over three years, the student-loan payment pause is about to end — interest will start accruing again in September, with bills due one month later. To ease the transition back into repayment, the Education Department announced a 12-month "on-ramp" period during which borrowers who miss payments will not be reported to credit agencies, but interest will still accrue during that time. The Democrats wrote in their letter that the department "should work to ensure that implementation of the final rule to provide debt relief does not happen after the 12-month on ramp ends in effort to further reduce the risk of delinquency and default."

The administration has not yet announced any additional plans for relief once the on-ramp period ends — it is focused on repayment, and on Tuesday it formally launched its new income-driven repayment plan, known as the SAVE plan, to lower borrowers' monthly payments. However, some borrowers are concerned with their ability to afford payments — even with SAVE — and while Biden is working on his new plan for broad debt relief, it could likely run into legal challenges due to conservative opposition.

That's why Democrats want the president to move quickly and end the relief limbo for millions of borrowers with federal student debt.

"Borrowers have already waited nearly a year for the relief you announced in August 2022, and critics of your plan to help 43 million Americans are likely to renew their attacks with regard to your rulemaking announcement," the lawmakers said. "We urge you to reject their bad-faith, partisan attempts to delay relief and carry out your efforts to help borrowers as quickly as possible."

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