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  5. 1,200 student-loan borrowers are getting $37 million in debt wiped out after being 'brazenly deceived' by the University of Phoenix, Biden's Education Department says

1,200 student-loan borrowers are getting $37 million in debt wiped out after being 'brazenly deceived' by the University of Phoenix, Biden's Education Department says

Ayelet Sheffey   

1,200 student-loan borrowers are getting $37 million in debt wiped out after being 'brazenly deceived' by the University of Phoenix, Biden's Education Department says
  • 1,200 student-loan borrowers who attended University of Phoenix are getting $37 million in debt relief.
  • The Education Department and FTC said students who attended the school were misled by ad campaigns.

Another batch of student-loan forgiveness is headed for thousands of borrowers.

On Wednesday, President Joe Biden's Education Department and Federal Trade Commission announced that 1,200 borrowers who attended University of Phoenix will be getting $37 million in debt relief. These discharges are through the borrower defense to repayment, which are claims a borrower can file if they believe they were defrauded by the school they attended. If approved, their loans would be discharged. Phoenix students who were enrolled between September 21, 2012, and December 31, 2014, and submitted claims, are included in this batch.

"The University of Phoenix brazenly deceived prospective students with false ads to get them to enroll," Federal Student Aid Chief Operating Officer Richard Cordray said in a statement. "Students who trusted the school and wanted to better their lives through education ended up with mounds of debt and useless degrees."

According to the Education Department, the university led an ad campaign that misrepresented its relationship with companies that it said would give preference to hiring Phoenix students. "In fact, Phoenix's corporate partnerships provided no such benefits to students," the department said in its press release. The department joined the FTC in investigating the University of Phoenix which ultimately led to a $191 million settlement with the school in 2019. In 2021, the FTC began sending refunds to students "who may have been lured by allegedly deceptive advertisements," the FTC said at the time.

The university denied any wrongdoing, telling Insider when the FTC began issuing refunds that "the University has admitted no wrongdoing and continues to believe it has acted appropriately. This settlement agreement has enabled us to continue our focus on our core mission of improving the lives of our students through career-relevant higher education, and to avoid any further distraction from serving students that could have resulted from protracted litigation."

With regards to the borrower defense announcement, a university spokesperson told Insider that "the University of Phoenix takes student borrower complaints very seriously and has provided significant evidence to the Dept. of Ed refuting inaccurate, baseless, or incomplete claims. While the University is not against relief for borrowers who have valid claims, we intend to vigorously challenge each frivolous allegation and suspicious claim through every available legal avenue."

The Education Department said it will begin notifying borrowers in early October that their borrower defense claims have been approved. Their balances will be zeroed out after being notified, and any payments those borrowers made on their balances will be refunded. A senior department official told reporters on a Wednesday press call that it will mark borrowers who qualify for this relief, and they should be placed on forbearance once federal payments start up again next month.

Over the past months, the Education Department has taken a series of actions to assist defrauded borrowers. At the end of August, for example, the department announced it had approved $72 million in debt relief for 2,300 borrowers who were "cheated" by Ashford University, a San Diego school that a judge ruled in 2022 made misrepresentations to students. Ashford is currently appealing the decision.

Wednesday's relief announcement comes just under two weeks before federal student-loan payments are resuming. Interest began accruing on borrowers' balances on September 1, and on October 1, borrowers will start to face their first monthly student-loan bill in over three years.

Borrowers who have not received relief through one of Biden's targeted actions will have a 12-month "on-ramp" period starting in October during which the Education Department will not report missed payments to credit agencies. However, interest will still accrue during that time, and the department cannot control how credit scoring companies factor in any missed payments.

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