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Police Arrest 857 People Around Arizona State University's Campus In Just The First 2 Weekends Of School

Police Arrest 857 People Around Arizona State University's Campus In Just The First 2 Weekends Of School

A police task force focused on alcohol-related crimes has arrested a staggering 857 people around the Arizona State Campus over the course of two weekends, the Phoenix New Times reports.

According to statistics from the Tempe Police Department, 371 people were arrested over August 15-17 and 486 people were arrested August 22-24 - the first official weekend of the semester.

319 people who were arrested were minors, of which 19 were under the age of 18.

While the arrests were not solely of ASU students, the Sun Times writes that "you have to imagine that most of them were."

The police operation - titled "Safe and Sober" - was run again this past weekend, likely leading to hundreds more alcohol-related arrests. The goal of the program is to "help prevent alcohol-related crimes and violence as the new year starts off for ASU students," according to the International Business Times.

One case that will be included in this weekend's statistics is an ASU student hospitalization following a major fraternity fight.

According to ABC, "alleged members of the fraternity Pi Kappa Alpha beat an alleged member of the fraternity Sigma Phi Epsilon" in an off-campus elevator. The Sig Ep member suffered eight facial fractures and was hospitalized.

Police are investigating the fight as an aggravated assault - a felony - ABC reports. At least one person has been arrested and police are still investigating more suspects.

You can check out the full statistics from the "Safe and Sober" program here >


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