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Police Are Investigating 'Walking Dead' Zombie Prank In NYC

Feb 10, 2014, 21:55 IST

Last week, ahead of the season 4 return of "The Walking Dead," AMC released video of a zombie prank in NYC.


The video shows a group of people-turned-zombies hiding under subway grates waiting to scare unsuspecting passersby.

YouTube / AMC

YouTube / AMC

Turns out the MTA isn't happy with the prank.

According to local news outlet WPIX, the video is under investigation because the city didn't grant permission for the shoot.

"We are deeply troubled by this video," said an MTA spokesperson. "We have forwarded it to the NYPD and are also conducting our own investigation."


Police told The New York Post accessing subway grates and filming without permits "could result in charges of trespassing, criminal mischief and disorderly conduct."

Video clearly shows street grates were played with, though it's not clear what exactly was done.

YouTube / AMC

YouTube / AMC

YouTube / AMC

Watch the prank below:


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