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PM Modi finds a new fan in Rupert Murdoch

PM Modi finds a new fan in Rupert Murdoch

PM Modi’s fan following seems to increase, not just in India, around the world too. A new member was added to the list, media tycoon Rupert Murdoch.

“Great hour with Indian PM Modi. Best leader with best policies since independence, but massive task to achieve in most complex nation.”- he tweeted.

Murdoch was among the top media moguls who met the PM at New York's iconic Waldorf Astoria hotel.

Making his pitch for smoother IPR regime, the PM said India not just valued intellectual property but also was doing everything to protect it, especially in this era of technology advancement.

"We are committed to protecting IPR (intellectual property rights), that's essential to fostering creativity," Modi told top bosses of companies like News Corp, 21st Century Fox, Sony, Discovery, Time Warner, A&E and VICE Media.

"This is a technology driven era. We are a technology driven society."

Some of the CEOs, who met the PM, said they were satisfied with the progress of the reform.

"The government has already undertaken a massive amount of reforms. Key message from the US companies was keep doing what you are doing. I had a great meeting, there was a constructive dialogue in the spirit of collaboration. We are looking at India trying to get foreign direct investment," J P Morgan CEO James Dimon said.

During the meeting wherein the focus was on the role that the media and entertainment industry can play in development and generation of employment opportunities in the country, CEOs of the top media houses appreciated Modi for "energetic and dynamic leadership" and expressed optimism about the future of India, a statement said.

The CEOs representing 40 per cent of the world's entertainment industry - were enthusiastic about the digital transformation that is taking place in India through the 'Digital India' initiative.

They said that the current strong trajectory of the Indian economy makes it at a unique moment to accelerate growth in this sector.

The CEOs present included Rupert Murdoch, executive chairman News Corp and 21stCentury Fox; James Murdoch, CEO, 21st Century Fox; Robert Thompson, CEO, News Corp; Uday Shankar, CEO, Star India; David Zaslav, president and CEO, Discovery Communications and Michael Lynton, CEO, Sony Entertainment.

Others present at the round table were Michael Roth, CEO, Interpublic Group of Companies; Shane Smith, CEO, Vice Media; Martin Sorrell, CEO, WPP; Jeff Bewkes, CEO, Time Warner; Nancy Dubuc, CEO, A&E Networks; Anthony Pratt, chairman, Visy Industries; William Duhamel, Route One Investment Company and Jeff Ubben, CEO, ValueAct Capital.

"All of them said India is the biggest market for them in terms of the phenomenal growth of the entertainment channels, in terms of the youth in India wanting more such content. They asked for speedier digitization of the Indian systems," external affairs minister spokesperson Vikas Swarup told reporters.

(Image credits: Indiatimes)


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