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PHOTOS: 13 Of The Best Celebratory Reactions To The Supreme Court's Gay Marriage Rulings

Amelia Acosta   

PHOTOS: 13 Of The Best Celebratory Reactions To The Supreme Court's Gay Marriage Rulings
Politics1 min read


Reuters/Jonathan Alcorn

Earlier on Wednesday, the Supreme Court finally ruled on the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act and California's Proposition 8.

In a 5-4 decision, the Court struck down Section 3 of DOMA, on the grounds that denying federal benefits to same-sex married couples and not heterosexual married couples was a violation of equal protection.

On Prop 8, the Court decided that the petitioners did not have standing to appeal the law, meaning that same-sex marriages would be allowed to resume in California.

The decision was long-awaited and historic. In Washington and throughout the nation, the celebration immediately began for gay couples and gay-rights advocates. We've put together 13 of the best.


