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PGA Golfer Made A Horrible Joke About Gay Football Player Michael Sam

Feb 26, 2014, 00:02 IST

Getty Images

University of Missouri defensive end Michael Sam, who will likely become the first openly gay player in the NFL next season, is working out for teams this week at the NFL combine.


While nobody knows yet how Sam will be received in an NFL locker room or on the field, PGA golfer Steve Elkington's twitter account showed that Sam will certainly face discrimination off the field.

Elkington, or whoever is behind his twitter account, attempted to make a joke on Twitter about Sam participating in the combine, saying "ESPN reporting Michael Sam is leading the handbag throw at NFL combine.... No one else expected to throw today."


The tweet is still up at the time of this writing and no other tweets have been sent from that account. Here is a screengrab of the tweet.



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